I agree with Izzy. I'm not completely dissing the Eastern European way of education, but with all due respect, Western Europe has a lot more money, and thus a lot more facilities, a lot more resources etc. I'm pretty sure that we have the best Universities in the World, except for the US. We have fantastic tutors over here in, so I've heard, and most I expect have been educated in the UK.
And Semanort, I almost entirely disagree with you! First of all, I don't understand how you have had "experience" of studying in Eastern Universities, or, the American Universities, since you're studying in York University, Canada. I have no experience, merely opinions, but at least I don't feign experience.
And no offence, but you're wittering on about how Eastern Unis are so much harder to get into, and that their courses are more "surpassed" than ours. Well, first of all, if they're that hard to get into, how come they're allowing a 15 year old into their school, without his GCSEs? And he is 15, because I checked on his profile. (I also noticed, after I pointed it out, that he's changed what he's studying from "GCSEs", to "GCSEs/AS"). As well as the fact, that all the "Top Universities" lists I've looked at, rarely accomodate for Eastern European Universities - with most places going to the UK and America, and a few to Japan, and more western european countries, such as France and Germany.
And, I'm sorry, but people don't fly out to study in American Universities because they "like the country". People go on holiday to America, because they like the country. Do you really think they'd spend thousands of pounds just because they like it? They go because of Yale, Prinston, Harvard and Columbia, simple as. It's for the education.