The Student Room Group

Female's - your intuituion is needed!!

I have a question

I met a girl a while back, who I kissed (she ahd and has a guy at uni). She's due back for good in a few months and I met up with her recently for a drink (not a date).

She's asked me to visit her at uni and go clubbing together, quizzed me about my love life and made just one reference to her guy (right at the end of the night).

I didn't try anything on, and she asked that I stay in touch and email her - she is aware that I fancy her and we're not really mates as such.

My question is, does she fancy me (is she sizing her options up?) and what should I do?

Mr J
She fancies you. But tread carefully.
She fancies you. But tread carefully.

:ditto!: If she liked you that much she'd break up with her guy... although maybe she thinks that it'd be too inconvenient with you not at the same uni. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. keep in touch with her though :wink:
Reply 3
Sounds to me like she's attracted to you and is keeping her options open. Are you happy with that, (i.e. playing second fiddle)? If you are, no prob. If you aren't maybe have a word with her - or even her boyfriend, if you're brave enough! Sounds like he doesn't know about you, at any rate, which is hardly fair.
She likes you, but how much is anyones guess. Shes probably keeping her options open, and when you say "shes due back for good soon" im guessing you mean shes finnishing uni, maybe shes considering what is going to happen to her current relationship, its always easier to handle being dumped if you have the next one lined up.

love Katy***
Im guessing she likes you, and likes the attention, but isnt going to be breaking up with her guy. She asks to see more of you even though she know she shouldnt, because she has a crush on you, and well, we all do silly things because of lust. Dont pin your hopes on her. She and you both know she should be backing away, and if she cant, be the one with willpower and spurn any advances she might make, any hints and flirtation she drops into conversation, and any attempts on her part to play games with your feeling just to boost her ego.
Mr J
I have a question

I met a girl a while back, who I kissed (she ahd and has a guy at uni). She's due back for good in a few months and I met up with her recently for a drink (not a date).

She's asked me to visit her at uni and go clubbing together, quizzed me about my love life and made just one reference to her guy (right at the end of the night).

I didn't try anything on, and she asked that I stay in touch and email her - she is aware that I fancy her and we're not really mates as such.

My question is, does she fancy me (is she sizing her options up?) and what should I do?

Mr J

im pretty sure she fancies u and was seeing what the chances her and stay in touch, go out for a drink and talk, read the signals. she def is considering more than frinds
Reply 7
well it's good to know it's not just in my head!

Thing is I do like this girl and would date her without a doubt. How do I tread carefully, whilst also trying to get the girl? Never been to good at subtelty!

Mr J
Reply 8
she likes you but isn't desperate, and wants you to know that. stay in touch, if she doesn't want anything else from you she might be leading you on and not know it...
Reply 9
How do I tread carefully, whilst also trying to get the girl? Never been to good at subtelty!
by doing exactly as shes says. if she says to keep in contact, then email her/text her every now and again to show that you stil care.

love Katy***
Reply 11
i agree with what some other people; shes keeping her options open.. i have someone who i think is doing that with me - we went out for dinner and stuff and he insisted on paying and i dunno it was all very datelike and im a bit confused...and he might come and visit me at uni and stuff (although i said he shud but i was only joking but he was like yeh i will :smile: )..

i reckon shes assessing u for being bf material :rolleyes:
Maybe she's keeping her options open:confused: She wasn't drunk when she kissed you was she :p:
Reply 13
AH, now here's the thing.

She was drunk when she kissed me. We've kept in contact via email, text etc. But haven't seen her for about a year. Then we met the other night, while she was home and while she wasn't physically all over me like before, there was the invite, the interest in my ex, etc...

A bit of a strange situation, as although we've kept in contact, we're not really mates as such. My agenda has always been more than that, and she's aware of it?

Mr J
Reply 14
I agree: she's probably keeping her options open. It's also possible that she's *confused* and unsure if she feels strongly enough for you to *sacrifice* a pre-existing relationship that is apparently (?) going well.