The Student Room Group
Reply 1
First week in June, got a couple of exams left but thats about it. No more coursework
Reply 2
23th May :P
Reply 3
My last exam is the 18th of June, and that's it :yep:

But I go on study leave at half-term
Reply 4
3rd July! I thought i finished early! :rolleyes:
22nd may study leave starts until last exam on the 18th june what is silly is that i have 3 exams before the start of study leave!
Reply 6
Last day of teaching for the 2nd years (me!) is the 3rd June. I have exams on the 4th, 8th, 11th, 12th and 17th June and that's it. No more sixth form. EVER...
10th June, although study leave starts at half-term.
Reply 8
22nd may study leave starts although I've finished all of my photography course and graphic design ends on Wednesday.
Reply 9
June sometime. It makes no difference really as I never attend anyway.
June sometime. It makes no difference really as I never attend anyway.

19th May!!! :p: my my, there's alot of you finishing rather late, you poor sods..
Reply 12
8th May :woo:
Reply 13
Last exam is 19th June so then. Not sure when we end for study leave yet, though. Not been told.

Double ditto LOL.

10th June though.
What about b-tec students?