The Student Room Group

thread veins.

is it normal to have them at 18? im not on the pill or anything, so its nothing to do with that. but my grandma has really bad varicose (sp?) veins, and so does my mum, and i know my great grandma sufered really badly with them. if i sit still for to long i get pains in my one of my legs, not like craps just a ache and a really bad urge to move them. i thought you only got thread veins when you were older as well. is this anything to worry about, or is it nothing?
Reply 1
It's usually nothing -and yes, people can be cursed with them from quite a young age. Usually they're nothing but a pain to look at, but if they're annoying you, it can't hurt to get some advice as to how to deal with them.

thankyou. i think when im older ill have them removed, i think you can laser treatment. and fake tan covers them up if ever have the urge to wear short skirts.
Reply 2
Always worth talking with the doc about it.
Some info here:
Reply 3
I have them around my knees. Only noticed them recently so not sure when they appeared as I don't often look at my knees.
I've only just turned 18.