The Student Room Group
Reply 1
i wore my contacts in the swimming pool the other day. I only opened my eyes a few times under water and surprisingly they didn't fall out. (they're monthly soft lenses)
I don't think there are any lenses that can be guaranteed to stay in your eyes i'm afraid, goggles are usually the only option. Usually i wear goggles whilst still having my contacts in.

hope that helps
Reply 2
Well, I was told that its not a good idea to go swimming while wearing contacts, as if you get too much water in your eye it might damage the contact or remove it completely. However I havn't had any problems while swimming, (although I have keep my eyes shut while under), but little drops of water and stuff that go into your eye while you resurface doesn't matter.

Alternatively, you can wear goggles as normal.

Going blind is a no-no.
I have been swimming in contacts before - and opened my eyes by mistake. Took a little while to blink out the water behind the lenses (my eyes are watering remembering it) but apart from that were fine.

Alternatively, you can get goggles that have your prescription lenses in them (I have these, they're great!) and you can also get scuba diving masks with that same. (Brilliant, brilliant inventions!)

Like someone else said, going blind is a nono!
I've been told that you can go blind if you wear contacts in the pool.

edit: sorry, to duplicate info.
I used to swim 5 times a week with a club, and I always wore my regular ole contacts....even though they say ur not supposed to wear contacts at all in chlorinated water...

but i never had any problems, plus as long as you wear goggles you should be fine.
Reply 6
i always wear contacts when i go swimming - but i watch out that no water gets into my eyes
been wearing contacts quite a while now, was never told that by my opticians, interesting...
Reply 8
Since this was in the relationship bit i thought you were talking about ANOTHER kind of watersports. Thank god i was wrong. xx

Alternatively, you can get goggles that have your prescription lenses in them (I have these, they're great!) and you can also get scuba diving masks with that same. (Brilliant, brilliant inventions!)

Its just like notting hill!
Reply 10
What kind of other watersports do you mean? Sailing you'd probably be ok, windsurfing it depends how good you are - ie how likely you are to fall in - and waterskiing or wakeboarding I'd say definitely no.
Reply 11
for swimming i've always been fine, but i do notice on holiday that wearing them a lot in the pool makes them a bit grotty, so i tend to wear an old pair (i have monthly lenses) and then change them after i've swum. i got told by my optician that the best thing to do is wear goggles (but i nearly always forget them or don't want white patches round my eyes)

i've also worn contact lenses to go scuba diving and that was fine cos the goggles are so good

lou xxx
Reply 12
Whenever I go for swimming now I take my contacts, however my advice would be to use disposable one , like that if they get swept off its not big deal.

If u open ur eyes in chlorinated water u may get red eyes afterwards. also, if u get water behind them it can take some time to put them back in place (really annoying).

wen i went diving not so long ago (mediterranean) i used my contacts. by coincidence my instructor was as blind as me and also used contacts. at one stage i had to remove my mask and he was looking at my technique with his eyes wide open in the water. i wondered if he could see and he told me afterwards that if u open ur eyes a bit its ok. if u do not move they will not come off, but then again maybe its not really advisable to open ur eyes.

as for other sports, contacts are great. if ever u receive a shock they may get displaced and its pain trying to get them back in place
Reply 13
yeah, it's the most annoying thing in the world to have to think about, when every1 else don't have to!
isn't it hard to take ure contacts out tho, after htye've been in contact with water? my friend was like don't have ure contacts on when ure showiering even, cos they get stuck to eye, and take ages to get out?
also isn't there a problem u could get infections, cos the water, like seawater, chlorinated water isn't sterile so bacteria could get stuck to ure contacts?
Reply 14
I didn't think it was possible to wear contacts while swimming; I've never wanted to risk it so the last time I swam I felt all blind and crashed into people! :redface:
Reply 15
I didn't think it was possible to wear contacts while swimming; I've never wanted to risk it so the last time I swam I felt all blind and crashed into people! :redface:

yeah im like that, my optician told me its really dangerous to wear them in the water as some bacteria in the water can infect your lens and hence you eye, so i always go without them , completely blind, hitting off people and i even pinched a strange girl on the ass one time cos i thought it was my friend , ohh the humiliation, at least she saw the funny side