The Student Room Group
how about a psychological analysis of whether or not love at first sight exists?
I agree, you really need to narrow it down.
If your essay is too broad, there is too much information to be put in.
If you narrow it down your can focus more on one area, rather than focusing on a wide area.
Reply 3
Can I see someone's Psychology EE, not to copy because the topic will be different (mine's ADHD), but to see the format, because we received no guidance or information from any teachers?
Can I see someone's Psychology EE, not to copy because the topic will be different (mine's ADHD), but to see the format, because we received no guidance or information from any teachers?
Reply 5
Hey guys, I'm really insecure about my EE topic,
the question is
'To what extent is romantic love biologically influenced?'

and i'm arguing for all three: biological, cognitive and social cultural.

do you guys think my question is too broad? cuz my teachers says its not but i'm not sure.
please help?
sorry and thank you!
Reply 6
Original post by Rachel-Isabel
I agree, you really need to narrow it down.
If your essay is too broad, there is too much information to be put in.
If you narrow it down your can focus more on one area, rather than focusing on a wide area.

cqn you check my thread on extended essay and give me some suggestions
Original post by vivera123
Hey guys, I'm really insecure about my EE topic,
the question is
'To what extent is romantic love biologically influenced?'

and i'm arguing for all three: biological, cognitive and social cultural.

do you guys think my question is too broad? cuz my teachers says its not but i'm not sure.
please help?
sorry and thank you!

doesn't seem to broad but you will have to be quite concise with your arguments and don't forget to continually address the extent