The Student Room Group
The role of Alfieri is a popular one, if I recall.
I had to do something about Eddie's relationship with Catherine, I think.
Questions about how Eddie changes throughout the play (and it is a play, so they often make you refer to stage directions etc.) are quite common, although the wording varies. Hope this helps :smile:
Examiners would be impressed if you got the title right.
Reply 4
don't remember any particular ones, but you could try the bbc bitesize website, they usually had good stuff.
1. Explore the presentation of Relationships in A View form a bridge
2. Explore the Presentation of Blame in a View from a Bridge
3. Explore the Importance of Secrecy in a View from A Bridge
4. Explore how Stereotypes are presented in a View from A Bridge
5. Explore the Importance of Family in the Novel
6. Explore how Status is portrayed throughout the novel
7. Explore how secrecy is portrayed throughout the novel
8. Explore how the setting reflects the novel
9. Explore how the setting is important in the novel
10. How does the idea of community influence the novel
11. “Just remember, kid, you can quicker get back a million dollars that was stole than a word that you gave away”. Explore the quote and its relation to the novel
12. Most People aren’t People” Explore the quote
13. How are the themes of obsession and desire explored in this play?
14. How are the themes of Betrayal explored
15. Some audiences feel angry about the behaviour of the male characters in this play. What do you think there is in any of the male characters which might make the audience feel this way?
16. Do you consider A View from the Bridge to be an effective title for this play?
17. Explore Social Dynamics in the play
18. Explore Control in the play