The Student Room Group

Waterproof Mascara!

I love my mascara - maxfactor more lashes waterproof. I just have one problem with it. At night when I go to bed I remove it with eye makeup remover that is supposed to remove waterproof mascara, but no matter how may times I wipe my eyes, I always end up with mascara underneath my eyes in the morning!!!! Argh! It's so annoying!
try a different eye makeup remover
Reply 2
Any reccomendations?
Reply 3
i had the same problems - and switched to "normal" (ie non-waterproof) mascaras then
Reply 4
i had the same problems - and switched to "normal" (ie non-waterproof) mascaras then

Yeah, you see the thing is, I have really watery eyes! They're always running so I have to use waterproof, otherwise I look like a panda!
Reply 5
get your eyelashes dyed and use clear mascara. thats what i do...

or use an oil based remover, olive oil is really good. just rub some on your eyelashes then wipe it off with a tissue before you cleanse your face...
Reply 6
get your eyelashes dyed and use clear mascara. thats what i do...

or use an oil based remover, olive oil is really good. just rub some on your eyelashes then wipe it off with a tissue before you cleanse your face...

Boots own eye makeup remover pads are really good- quite oily so u need 2 cleanse thoroughly afterwards, but for waterproof mascara girlies like me they're great!
Reply 8
As long as you wash your face in the morning, surely that's not a problem?

A little stray mascara is hardly going to black your pores and leave you grimey.
Reply 9
As long as you wash your face in the morning, surely that's not a problem?

A little stray mascara is hardly going to black your pores and leave you grimey.

Yeah I know, it's just a bit annoying that's all!

And lessthanthree......tut tut. You should always take off your makeup!!
Reply 10
to get off waterproof mascara try any oil based remover rather than one of the cream ones. For some reason it makes a difference.

But you guys are right there is nothing worse than waking up with makeup smeared across your face, especially if there is someone there to see it!!!
Reply 11
...wake up with makeup smeared across your face, especially if there is someone there to see it!!!

but that doesn't happen if you get your lashes dyed... its like you've always got mascara on...
to get off waterproof mascara try any oil based remover rather than one of the cream ones. For some reason it makes a difference.

But you guys are right there is nothing worse than waking up with makeup smeared across your face, especially if there is someone there to see it!!!

i had the same prob. it never comes off. and if you use the oily stuff, it is absorbed by the eylids and i wak up looking puffy eyes swollen shut :eek: so i just wear normal mascara. it looks alot less stiff and weird, and it only comes off if swimming. can i recommend collection 2000, although its mega cheap, i love them so so much! natural looking, yet noticable and non clumpy, non allergy,just really long lashes!!<Maybelline Volume Express is quite good too
Boots own cucumber eye makeup remover works for me (the wipes) or there is one by simple which you can get in wipes or a bottle, that also works :smile:
Reply 14
Yeah, you see the thing is, I have really watery eyes! They're always running so I have to use waterproof, otherwise I look like a panda!

well we have a similar problem - my eyes are also super-sensitive :rolleyes: but my mascara surprisingly works quite well...and in case - i can always go to the bathroom and make me look okay again :smile:
Reply 15
I use that double ended l'oreal jobby and I have the same problemo. Its always smeared under my eyes in the mornings. I just live with it now :p:
hm, i never take my makeup off either before going to bed. Surly if you lot all have a problem with it coming off on your pillow, why doesnt it come off on your clothes/blokes clothes? Maybe you should all try a little less? I've never had the problem of it smudging all over my face?

love Katy***
i think all mascara smears under the eye when you sleep if you wear it on the lower lashes. when u wake up, to remove it use a cotton bud with a tiny bit of vaseline