The Student Room Group

Alternative therapies

I thought I would start this thread for folk to talk about alternative therapies they may have tried, researched or just want to talk about. :smile:
I don't mean dieting.

I myself have a diploma in Aromatherapy and whilst would still in now way call myself an expert, have a great deal of knowledge I could share with folks as an alternative to wanting to pump yourself with drugs.
I am not saying taking drugs is bad, dont get me wrong, god I wouldn't want to replace your doctor.
In some situations though an alternative is more helpful and less damaging to the body. :wink:

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Reply 1
This is a good idea for a thread actually!!
This is a good idea for a thread actually!!

Thanks. I thought so too, as long as its not abused. :biggrin:
Reply 3
Oooh good thread. I have a question please. I put tea tree oil on my face before I go to bed and it canes so much! but I still do it anyway, are you not supposed to use it neat? or isthere anything else you would recommend for bad skin?
Hmmm, I have a diploma in placebos. You really can't trust those biochemists who spend years doing research!

OOh no if it hurts, dilute it sweetie. I would dilute it anyway. This oil is very drying and you need a little moisture still. I wuld dilute it in Sweet alomnd oil if you are not allergic to nuts or vegetable oil would do. Honest a bit of Fry crisp and dry is quite good. Olive oil is even better. About 20 drops of oil to 300mls of oil.

Apart from that stay way from perfumed skin care stuff and be as natural as possible.Try to avoid to much sun and harsh environments. Feed the skin drink plenty of water. The recommended intake is 3 litres per day. I understand that this is alot, but sips regularly can soon add up.The body shop has a great skin care range for troublesome skin.

Hope this helps. :biggrin:
Hmmm, I have a diploma in placebos. You really can't trust those biochemists who spend years doing research!

One word: Thalydomide.

After years of health scares from various sources I can see why people are turning to alternative therapies.
Reply 7
Inverurie Jones
One word: Thalydomide.

After years of health scares from various sources I can see why people are turning to alternative therapies.

ooo very good!
Inverurie Jones
One word: Thalydomide.

After years of health scares from various sources I can see why people are turning to alternative therapies.

On that subject (and I assume that you understand the chemistry) - Thalydomide is a chiral compound. One of the isomers works and one causes disfigurement. The one that works is hugely successful but near on impossible to separate from the harmful one. Also, as you may know, or may not, they have started using thalydomide again (mostly in the developing world) and in those circumstances it certainly does more harm than good. I think i'd trust science and research more than stoned hairy hippies who want to take your cash.

This was I hoped a plce to talk about Alternative Therapies not some where to slag off the research of chemist whoes work went wrong. Supposed to be a positive thread not a negative one.
This was I hoped a plce to talk about Alternative Therapies not some where to slag off the research of chemist whoes work went wrong. Supposed to be a positive thread not a negative one.

I don't think that unqualified quacks giving medicine, which in some cases can be dangerous either by what it can or can't do can ever be positive. If you disagree with me then argue. Don't just expect me to shut up because you want to paint a happy glossy picture of something I disapprove of.

Reply 11
This was I hoped a plce to talk about Alternative Therapies not some where to slag off the research of chemist whoes work went wrong. Supposed to be a positive thread not a negative one.

Their work didn't "go wrong" per se, it's just that the testing procedures back then aren't as rigorous as they are now. That scandal caused everything to be tightened up. A lot.

Anyway - alternative therapies. In some cases, good, in other cases (not a fan of homeopathy in particular) total *******s.
Reply 12
heres one alternative therapy for headaches...when u get an headache, instead of taking some pill or whatever..just enjoy the ache..or try and forget about it..and a few hours later it goes.. :biggrin: hope this helps :trytofly:
heres one alternative therapy for headaches...when u get an headache, instead of taking some pill or whatever..just enjoy the ache..or try and forget about it..and a few hours later it goes.. :biggrin: hope this helps :trytofly:

You could always massage your lymph glands in your eyebrows and so relieve the pressure and ease the headache.
Reply 14
Also, as you may know, or may not, they have started using thalydomide again


I was going to mention that, theyre studying its uses as a drug for another condition in which it seems to have positive effects, cant remember what for though.

Its fault btw was in them testing it on animals and thinking the side effects would be exactly the same in humans!

Sorry, have the floor now! :wink:

Btw, if ive got all achey muscles after doing exercise or playing sports, what can i put in a bath to help?
Reply 15
I was going to mention that, theyre studying its uses as a drug for another condition in which it seems to have positive effects, cant remember what for though.

Sorry, have the floor now! :wink:

Btw, if ive got all achey muscles after doing exercise or playing sports, what can i put in a bath to help?

some water...will be very helpful in the bath :smile:
I was going to mention that, theyre studying its uses as a drug for another condition in which it seems to have positive effects, cant remember what for though.

Sorry, have the floor now! :wink:

Btw, if ive got all achey muscles after doing exercise or playing sports, what can i put in a bath to help?

Black pepper oil always diluted in either a carrier oil such as veggy oil, sweet almond oil or olive oil. About 15 drops per 200 mls of oil. Even better is getting someone to rub it in for you. :wink:
Reply 17
Black pepper oil always diluted in either a carrier oil such as veggy oil, sweet almond oil or olive oil. About 15 drops per 200 mls of oil. Even better is getting someone to rub it in for you. :wink:

is that an offer?.... :wink:
is that an offer?.... :wink:

Maybe??!!!! :wink:
Whoever it is tell them to massage in upwards motions across your back as this will help toxins released when exercising flow in the right direction. :biggrin:
Reply 19
Oh an music boy, i dont think she was on about curing cancer, or re-attaching a lost leg...just general remedies for everyday problems.