The Student Room Group

I thought i was going to die last night!

Ok last night i woke up in the middle of the night and drank a half of one of those massi bottles of diet irn-bru (i swear to god i'm never drinking that diet crap again!) and i went to sleep again and I woke up at about 3 in the morning and i couldn't breathe or anything. Ohhh my god it was so scary, and i was like passing out and my eyesight started going all weird and fizzy because of it. I could taste irn-bru in my mouth and it was like it has just went down my throat and was burning it cause it felt all tingly and stingy and sore. So yeah, i was choking for air for AGES and i honestly thought I was just going to die. I was ready to just give up trying to breathe because i had absolutly no energy but i eventually managed to sit up and just kept coughing and after about 10 minutes I started to get my breathe back. It really was one of the scariest things i've ever experienced.
Has anyone else had anything like this or does anyone know what could have caused this because its really bugging me?

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Reply 1
Heartburn? :rolleyes:
maybe you did die and just aren't aware of it yet.

Killer acid reflux? Sounds like Irn Bru washing back up your throat...which is kind of gross.
Reply 4
*removes poisoned iron-bru from need_money's bedroom*
Reply 5
*removes poisoned iron-bru from need_money's bedroom*

:eek: Poisoned?
Reply 6
:eek: Poisoned?

Diet Irn Bru tastes awful, tastes like arsenic :frown: :mad: .

Normal Irn bru!!! now that's braw!!!!! :wink: :biggrin:

Try to keep your mind busy and don't worry!!!. It would have been scary, the main thing is you are fine now :biggrin: . Try not to ponder on it too much :smile: .
Diet Irn Bru tates awful, tastes like arsenic :frown: :mad: .

Normal Irn bru!!! now that's braw!!!!! :wink: :biggrin:

how do you knoww what arsenic tastes like (I thought it was tasteless)?

Reply 8
how do you knoww what arsenic tastes like (I thought it was tasteless)?


Now would't you like to know!!!! :rolleyes:
Reply 9
Diet Irn Bru tastes awful, tastes like arsenic :frown: :mad: .

Normal Irn bru!!! now that's braw!!!!! :wink: :biggrin:

Try to keep your mind busy and don't worry!!!. It would have been scary, the main thing is you are fine now :biggrin: . Try not to ponder on it too much :smile: .

Exactly! I HATE Diet I hate it, i hate it, i hate it! :mad: I only drank it last night because i really wanted normal irn-bru and i seen the orangeness and it made me want to drink it. :frown:
Ok last night i woke up in the middle of the night and drank a half of one of those massi bottles of diet irn-bru (i swear to god i'm never drinking that diet crap again!) and i went to sleep again and I woke up at about 3 in the morning and i couldn't breathe or anything. Ohhh my god it was so scary, and i was like passing out and my eyesight started going all weird and fizzy because of it. I could taste irn-bru in my mouth and it was like it has just went down my throat and was burning it cause it felt all tingly and stingy and sore. So yeah, i was choking for air for AGES and i honestly thought I was just going to die. I was ready to just give up trying to breathe because i had absolutly no energy but i eventually managed to sit up and just kept coughing and after about 10 minutes I started to get my breathe back. It really was one of the scariest things i've ever experienced.
Has anyone else had anything like this or does anyone know what could have caused this because its really bugging me?

Blog material.

Having said that it had me hanging off the edge of my seat waiting to see if you died or not. :rolleyes:
Reply 11
Sounds pretty scary actually..
I like when stuff like that happens cos it always makes you feel like you took [whatever you couldn't do] for granted. like breathing
...another 'interesting' thread from need_money
well the dangers of irn bru... wasnt it banned in france for giving people heart atacks? or was that red bull?
Just out of interest, *why* did you consume so much Iron Bru in the middle of the night?
Reply 15
Just out of interest, *why* did you consume so much Iron Bru in the middle of the night?

I was thirsty lol, I dunno, i always wake up really dry and end up drinking massi quantitys of liquid. Its normally milk though.
I was thirsty lol, I dunno, i always wake up really dry and end up drinking massi quantitys of liquid. Its normally milk though.

Lol, most people would have a glass of water or something! :p:
Reply 17
Lol, most people would have a glass of water or something! :p:

Heh yeah well i don't like water really. :frown: Especially tap water.
Reply 18
Lol, most people would have a glass of water or something! :p:

She doesn't strike me as being 'most' people!
Reply 19
you drink fizzy drinks in the middle of the night?

no. bad squishy.

Try something less harsh next time - not only are you fizzling away your teeth, it's not doing your tummy any good either.

Yeah like i said, it is normally milk i drink by the gallon :p: It just so happened that i had a craving for irn-bru and it was sitting in my room.