The Student Room Group
Reply 1
see a skin specialist?
Reply 2
well, not really, since it's pretty ingrained, but for some pigmentation problems there are a few things that can be attempted. is it that you've got an area of *no* pigment?

where is it?

you cant really see it that much, but im just so para about it myself! its on my left cheek, i heard there is treatment, but just dont know what! :frown: its just slightly darker then my normal skin colour...
hey i know ALOT about this so pls listen, and pm me if u need more help as i have had pigment problems on my shoulders for nearly 5 yrs.

mediaclly, if there is alot of it,they can send u to have 'light therapy' or laser therapy to remove it, im having this.the dermatologist may be able to give u creams too. u need referal from a GP. if u r light skin, chemical / glycolic peel may work but u need 3 or 4 applications

boots and superdrug also sell 'Fade Out' cream, bout £6 which fades them over 4-6 weeks. persoanlly i found this very oily and stinky.
however this company also makes 'skinicles' £10 which is supposed to be good

online, you can buy 'Palmer's Fade Cream' which is made by the samre people that make 'Palemers Cocoa Butter' and is excellent. non greasy, bout £4, fast working - i noticed difference in 1 week and safe.try ur local chemist, its the best stuff out there.

you can buy loads of stuff online be careful if buying these treatments to avoid ones containig hydroquinone (may lead ot liver failure,peeling of skin, nervous sys probs and has been banned in the UK), kojic acid (ok in the UK, but banned in asia, a derivative of hydroquinone), mercury (will poison u).

ones with licorice root, arbutin and bearberry will work well.
Reply 4
hey i know ALOT about this so pls listen, and pm me if u need more help as i have had pigment problems on my shoulders for nearly 5 yrs.

mediaclly, if there is alot of it,they can send u to have 'light therapy' or laser therapy to remove it, im having this.the dermatologist may be able to give u creams too. u need referal from a GP. if u r light skin, chemical / glycolic peel may work but u need 3 or 4 applications

boots and superdrug also sell 'Fade Out' cream, bout £6 which fades them over 4-6 weeks. persoanlly i found this very oily and stinky.
however this company also makes 'skinicles' £10 which is supposed to be good

online, you can buy 'Palmer's Fade Cream' which is made by the samre people that make 'Palemers Cocoa Butter' and is excellent. non greasy, bout £4, fast working - i noticed difference in 1 week and safe.try ur local chemist, its the best stuff out there.

you can buy loads of stuff online be careful if buying these treatments to avoid ones containig hydroquinone (may lead ot liver failure,peeling of skin, nervous sys probs and has been banned in the UK), kojic acid (ok in the UK, but banned in asia, a derivative of hydroquinone), mercury (will poison u).

ones with licorice root, arbutin and bearberry will work well.

ok...laser therapy? how much would it guessing about £400 if im not wrong? 10 treatments or sumat? .. :confused:

i had that fade out thing...ive still got it, but aint really used it *my bad ill start using it!*

and i love palmers cocoa butter so i might give the palmers fade cream! :smile: are the results long lasting though? would i be able to stop applying the cream after its gone or would i have to keep applyin it might come back?!! lol [as pathetic as i sound!]

and im asian, so i do have light-ish skin, actually im pretty fair skinned..wots glycolic peel? :confused:

reply back ...thanx! :smile:
Reply 5
ok...laser therapy? how much would it guessing about £400 if im not wrong? 10 treatments or sumat? .. :confused:

i had that fade out thing...ive still got it, but aint really used it *my bad ill start using it!*

and i love palmers cocoa butter so i might give the palmers fade cream! :smile: are the results long lasting though? would i be able to stop applying the cream after its gone or would i have to keep applyin it might come back?!! lol [as pathetic as i sound!]

and im asian, so i do have light-ish skin, actually im pretty fair skinned..wots glycolic peel? :confused:

reply back ...thanx! :smile:

oh and how long will the cream thing take for it 2 disappear?...any idea?
Reply 6
what caused your pigmentation?

How big is it?
Reply 7
what caused your pigmentation?

How big is it?

well my mums got a really small one, so iv got it genetically!? not that big,erm..but its still there!! :mad:
the cream works depends on how dark the mark is, how big, and of course the individual. but started seeing a change just after 1 week. it might take months for a big dark one to go.saying this, its cheap. and also, use sunblock or it wont work.the results are totally permenant as the skin renews itself every month-6 weeks so it sort of grows out. unless it is genetic in which it might always grow back so you'd have to always use the cream. if its light, could be gone in 2 weeks - 1 month.

if you are asian/black DO NOT have glycolic peel. its where a chemical is put on the skin and burns off the top layer to reveal clear unblemished skin below. good for white people, but on dark skin, the result of burning the skin and exposing this to UV light means the area will end up badly scarred and even worse pigment than before so dont get it.

as for laser treatment, my doc said if my dermatologist wanted me to have it, it will be free on the NHS. the laser destroys the tyrosinine or something which comes before the production of melanin so probably effects of this are permenant - talk to ur gp for this

my doc said sometimes sunlight may halp -but i found as the dark spots had more melanin sunlight made them darker-might help u to apply a sunblock. also i find fake tan that white people use helps darken the surrounding skin so camoflages the dark area.

applying lemon juice, leave to dry for 20 mins-2hrs then rub it off with fingers, then rise- dark rolls of dead skin will some off. it will help u see the effects of the creams faster by exfoliating

can u use makeup to hide it meanwhile? if u r really bothered c the doc and he 'll get the dermatologist to give you some treatment