The Student Room Group
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Thanks - and which next?
Reply 3
Clare and Trinity supposedly have very good mixed choirs - I've not heard Trinity though. And tbh, the difference in quality of music between Clare and King's/John's probably depends a lot more on whether you prefer boys or girls in the top line.
Reply 4
Taking John's and King's as brilliant, which are the next best Cambridge Choirs?

Trinity, Clare, Caius, Selwyn. Probably in that order, though as the people in the choirs completely turns over every 3 years, the qualities of each choir do fluctuate somewhat.

Also, John's and Kings aren't necessarily always brilliant - Kings trebles are a bit dodgy...(mind you, I hate boy trebles anyway so I may be biased)
Reply 5
..just tried and can't find the links. Any ideas?
Reply 6
Got it - thank you!
Reply 7
It's a big question but I suppose King's and John's are on one tier of awesomeness (as they perform so much more than the others...then again, the quality of the trebles can sometimes vary more than you'd expect) and then you get Trinity and Clare on another, and then it's Caius and still others. Maybe I'm not being utterly fair to Caius, who are very good indeed, but I just never get the same blending quality I hear from Trinity and Clare...and their chapel (while lovely) is about as resonant as a cardboard box, so that's a bit of a let down.

Generally, apart from the number of services per week, you can tell by who does the most exciting tours/recordings/projects and also by the calibre of the music on the different lists. Ultimately, though, lots of choirs at Cambridge are superb- and that's definitely the reason why I applied here as opposed to Oxford...
Reply 9
And as an additional note - you can watch ANY college choir rehearse and sing as chapels and services are open to anyone - college websites will probably tell you when services are.
Does anyone know whether Trinity Hall is good? I know Trinity, King's, St John's, Jesus and Caius are good, but I just want to know whether they're at least recognized as a strong choir...
Reply 11
Original post by steana12
Does anyone know whether Trinity Hall is good? I know Trinity, King's, St John's, Jesus and Caius are good, but I just want to know whether they're at least recognized as a strong choir...

This is a 9 year old thread and now closed.

However, it's worth noting you can join the college choir of a different college.
(edited 6 years ago)