The Student Room Group

Ouch! Operation only partially successful!

Some of you may remember my ingrowing toenail problems right! Well I had the operation today... with mixed results :p:

The anaesthetic only worked properly in one of the toes so I'll have to go back another time to get the other one done :bawling: This after four surprisingly painful injections (I'm normally fine with injections but these were very bad!)... hm. My left big toe is extremely sore now too! The right one (which didn't numb fully and so wasn't worked on) is bleeding a lot cos of the injections! Bah :mad:

It better not come back again after this ordeal! It's getting to be nearly as bad as the tooth saga from last year :p:
Aw, poor you!


I've never had an ingrown toenail, so I don't have any good advice, except that the best medicine is Calpol.

Hope you feel better soon!
Ouch. :frown:

Did they stab a needle into your toe? :eek:
covered farm wagon
Aw, poor you!


I've never had an ingrown toenail, so I don't have any good advice, except that the best medicine is Calpol.

Hope you feel better soon!

I make any excuse to take calpol :biggrin: I've been through the operation twice before but only on my right toe previously. I just thought I might as well get them both sorted at once seeing as I'm totally out of action for a few days now!

This happened to me (kind of). My right toe became ingrown, and so they normally cut the side off, and burn the roots with acid. But it still would get ingrown. Anyway, this happened twice, and the third time, I said to the lady, get rid of the whole nail, I couldn't stand the cycle of extremely painful injections (they shove it in one side of the toe, and I think the needle is bent slightly, and then shove it around, all this while the patient is in extreme agony, and then they're like, "OK, we need to do the other side now.") and then the swollen toe, and then the watery ingrown area, and not being able to play football for bleeding etc. etc.

I feel for you!
Reply 5
i saw one being ripped out during work experience... it didn't look like much fun...
Reply 6

Can u believe I've had this operation 3 times on each foot?

Some of them were with anesthetic ....SOME WITHOUT :eek: :eek: :eek: .

I feel you. Make sure to ask the doctor if there is no chance of this anomaly happening again.
Reply 7
Awwww, go and buy some nice shoes to cheer yourself up
Reply 8
Awwww, go and buy some nice shoes to cheer yourself up

Yeah, that will work if he cant walk! :rolleyes:
Reply 9
I had an ingrowing toe nail about 2 months ago. I had the whole nail removed.

My new nail has just started to grow back. Took ages to heal up.
Reply 10
Oooh. Painful indeed.

I totally sympathise. Hope you recover soon! :smile:
How long before you're back in [football related] action?

lol :smile: Well about a week probably. Just to be sure.

That said... seeing as my right toe wasn't done, it could start hurting again as soon as I start playing (it's been ok since I've started taking the antibiotics and taking it easy).
Grr :mad: ... and i don't need mum saying things like "maybe you were imagining it" and "some people just have low pain thresholds"!

I've been through plenty of minor medical operations before. I know what hurts and I know what is real pain! :mad:
Hmm they put acid to burn the root, I no longer have a right big toe-nail
Reply 14
Some of you may remember my ingrowing toenail problems right! Well I had the operation today... with mixed results :p:

The anaesthetic only worked properly in one of the toes so I'll have to go back another time to get the other one done :bawling: This after four surprisingly painful injections (I'm normally fine with injections but these were very bad!)... hm. My left big toe is extremely sore now too! The right one (which didn't numb fully and so wasn't worked on) is bleeding a lot cos of the injections! Bah :mad:

It better not come back again after this ordeal! It's getting to be nearly as bad as the tooth saga from last year :p:

hate to tell you...but the op is one of the better parts...

once it fully numbs out you'll be less impressed.

and when its time to change the dressings and remove the stiches you will LOVE the nurse/doc doing it. its quite painful :biggrin:
hate to tell you...but the op is one of the better parts...

once it fully numbs out you'll be less impressed.

and when its time to change the dressings and remove the stiches you will LOVE the nurse/doc doing it. its quite painful :biggrin:

I've been through it twice before so I know what to expect :smile: But changing the dressings isn't really painful at all. Not for me, anyway. And to kill the soreness I just take paracetamol :biggrin:
Awwww, go and buy some nice shoes to cheer yourself up

lol, *agrees, thrusts forth a pair of Manalo Blaniks*