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Reply 1
When I revise I feel awesome!


But good for you, I suppose...
Reply 2
hop to it then.
Reply 3
Me too. Shame it doesn't happen more often. :sigh:
You are strange :yep:

That said, I'm sure I'll enjoy revising for my Beatles paper this time next year :yeah:
It's possibly the worst thing to spend your time doing after exams and coursework.
cool story bro
Teach me the secret
Reply 9
I do when I get going! It's the getting going that's the problem though... still, nice thread.
I do when I get the information in. Most of the time, I read and it just bounces off my forehead.
Reply 11
i dream about revision but i never learn anything new for some reason???????
When I revise I feel awesome!

you feel awesome
you need a leather couch and possibly one of those masks thats stops cannibals from eating people
Reply 13
i like the feeling after revision.. like atleast i feel i havent wasted my time

ya kna meaans?
Reply 14
It's better than doing coursework which I'm meant to be doing now :frown:
Reply 15
After doing some revision it feels great but it's so hard to actually sit down and do it.
Really? Going over the same information you have studied all year seems nothing to me but mundane.
I quite like doing it too - I mean, it's hard to actually sit down & do it like someone said but it is great to actually know a bit more than you did before. :smile:
Reply 18
When I revise I feel awesome!

I so wish I was you right now
Really? Going over the same information you have studied all year seems nothing to me but mundane.

I like it, I start picking up lots of little points I missed the first time and all the loose ends get tied together.