Me and my bf were having phone sex, ( talking dirty) and he made me realy horny becasue he was horny too. But i was on my periods, and i still masterbated until i had an orgasm.
Is there any harm in masterbating when you are on your periods?
Nah, not really. Tbh there's a limit to how much an anonymous poster can upset me on the internet. I've been using the same response for a while now. It never ceases to surprise me how many people like you there are. It's like when insects are attracted to a light I suppose. honeybunny.
There's no harm at all. If you use a tampon or mooncup then your normal discharge will still be produced below the blood flow so don't worry if you feel wetter!
Ive done it before while on my period and there isnt any mess, i use tampons so obv there isnt any blood in the way but i wouldnt do it if i still used sanitary towels.
dont take as absolute truth because i read it in more but apparently masturbating to orgasm is supposed to relieve cramp and make you feel better as it releases feel good hormones
So I masturbated on my period which was a couple weeks ago and I have been cramps and my mood is all over the place. My stomach has been hurting since yesterday night. What should I do about this?