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Reply 1
I got mine from Bloomingdales in new york! it is sooo pretty! its just a dress, not a ball gown...

look for cheapish dress makers...
Reply 2
wheres the best places to get a nice dress from? it doesnt have to be a massive proper ball gown one just a nice dress. ive been looking on ebay but its full of crap sellers and nothing takes my fancy.
where are you going to get yours if u have a end of school ball?
i dont really want to spend heaps :s 100 ish max.
thank u! :biggrin:

as cheap as i sound for saying this, tkmaxx, thats where most of the 6th years this year got thiers....

(im making mines :smile:)
Reply 3
really tkmaxx!! LOL ! ill have to go and check it out haha!
Reply 4
Loads of people are getting/got their dress from tkmaxx for our prom.
Debenhams have lots of really nice ones for 100 or under. Coast do stunning dresses but they're usually more expensive.
Reply 6
Try somewhere local and independent and a bit more unusual - chances are you'll manage to look a bit more unique that way.
Reply 7
I've got a designer one :p: Yay!
I found a dressmaker who is making mine for £110!!! I was very impressed. Debanhams is good for fairly cheap dresses if you want to look the same as everyone else!!!
Reply 9
I found a dressmaker who is making mine for £110!!! I was very impressed. Debanhams is good for fairly cheap dresses if you want to look the same as everyone else!!!

try BHS
Reply 10
I've got a designer one :p: Yay!

how much was it?
Reply 11
how much was it?

Far too much! But I didn't pay for it, so I'll try not to think about it too much!
Reply 12
No, go on! Tell us! I got mine from Morgan. It cost me £80. It's not particularly ball gowny, but it's nice and summery. :smile:
Reply 13
No, go on! Tell us! I got mine from Morgan. It cost me £80. It's not particularly ball gowny, but it's nice and summery. :smile:

£650, I think.
Reply 14
Woah Ellie!! What label is it? It must be something like D+G for that price.

It's Kyri. I was pretty shocked by the price myself, but I did get to meet the man himself for a consultation! :biggrin:
Reply 15
£650, I think.

You spent £650 on a dress???????????? WOW!
Definitely nice for those who can afford it. I would love to have a nice expensive dress! But its a bit much money for something you are likely to wear almost never.

thunderstorm- try TKMaxx as other people have said, but its a bit hit and miss.
Dont do Debenhams- everyone and their mother gets their dresses from there.
You could try getting someone to make it, my mum made one of my dresses for about £50 in all, including material and patterns and stuff.
Try an outlet centre or some smaller boutiques? Think of places other people are unlikely to go. There is a second-hand shop in a town near me that sells second-hand ballgowns (ones that people have bought and worn once) and you can wear it, and then sell it back to them, so they can sell it on again. You could get a dress for like £40 like that.
If not, hire one. But be careful not to get drunk and rip it (cost one of my friends a fortune to buy her ripped dress...)
tkmaxx... a good thing about this is your dress is gonna be pretty unique
Reply 17
I've never really done the whole ball dress thing. Not getting a proper full ball dress anyway. I just go shopping around all the normal shops in my area until I find something sexy and different. I'm always worried I'll look too... puffy.. you know.
Monsoon do nice ones for about £150-165.
Reply 19
Ebay is fab! Ive seen a proper ballgown which im gonna bid on and don't worry about dresses being too big. I went out on the town after a 50's party in a full ballgown and definately turned heads last night! it was fab!