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Reply 1
So i'm looking at the module choices, and the lectures for two of the modules i'm interested in start at 10am and this possible? how long is a lecture?

Each lecture is 50 minutes.
Starts at 5 past the hour, ends at 5 to the hour.

Reply 2
Generally an hour (though ours can be up to three at times, and they tend to run pretty seamlessly from one into another).

Its not uncommon to be in lectures for three or four hours continuously depending what you are studying.
Reply 3
Generally an hour (though ours can be up to three at times, and they tend to run pretty seamlessly from one into another).

Its not uncommon to be in lectures for three or four hours continuously depending what you are studying.

Well you still get a ten minute break between lectures, right? So it's not really continuous.

Last semester I had lectures at 9am,10am and 11am... but I was only actually in a lecture from 9:05 - 9:55 , 10:05 - 10:55 ... and so on.

Medicine may be a special case holding 3 hour lectures, but every other subject that I know of holds 50 minute lectures.
Reply 4
That seems so short. Am I really gonna be able to learn anything in 50 mins? :tongue:
Reply 5
Well you still get a ten minute break between lectures, right? So it's not really continuous.

Last semester I had lectures at 9am,10am and 11am... but I was only actually in a lecture from 9:05 - 9:55 , 10:05 - 10:55 ... and so on.

Medicine may be a special case holding 3 hour lectures, but every other subject that I know of holds 50 minute lectures.

Generally the break tends to be at most five minutes, and frequently we don't get one.

The lectures often over run too, our anatomy lectures often go on a good half an hour after the end of the slot.

Three hour one lecture jobbies are pretty rare admittedly, but do crop up from time to time.

We have a couple of lecturers who occasionally will ask us to start five or ten minutes early to get everything done by five past for the next lecture too. (they seem to allow each other to use that time if need be). What do you do?
Reply 6
That seems so short. Am I really gonna be able to learn anything in 50 mins? :tongue:

Generally (for us at least) a vast amount is gone over in that hour, (or 50 minutes depending), you have to go away and learn it in your own time.
Reply 7
That seems so short. Am I really gonna be able to learn anything in 50 mins? :tongue:

Tbh you learn sod all in lectures you get a sort of outline but tutorials and seminars and your own readingis where you really learn
Reply 8
Generally the break tends to be at most five minutes, and frequently we don't get one.

The lectures often over run too, our anatomy lectures often go on a good half an hour after the end of the slot.

Three hour one lecture jobbies are pretty rare admittedly, but do crop up from time to time.

We have a couple of lecturers who occasionally will ask us to start five or ten minutes early to get everything done by five past for the next lecture too. (they seem to allow each other to use that time if need be). What do you do?

Standard 50 minute lectures. (almost) always starting at 5 past, ending at 5 to.

Tbh you learn sod all in lectures you get a sort of outline but tutorials and seminars and your own readingis where you really learn

Uhh...yeah. I don't think that's true at all, but ok. Do you even go to StAs? XD
Reply 9
Couple of questions

Do lecturers generally make their presentation slides available to students after the lectures?

Secondly, how long do tutorials generally last?
Couple of questions

Do lecturers generally make their presentation slides available to students after the lectures?

Secondly, how long do tutorials generally last?

Not sure about the other faculties but our slides are normally available months ahead, and we are expected to print them off and take them with us to annotate.

Tutorials for me generally being an hour (and I think thats the same for everyone).
Reply 11
Couple of questions

Do lecturers generally make their presentation slides available to students after the lectures?

Secondly, how long do tutorials generally last?

Yes Bucky, you can almost always get them on WebCT after the lecture. (WebCT is the online system everyone in the university uses to keep synch'd up)
Some lecturers don't put them up after each individual lecture, but they are always all up before the exam.

Tutorials are one hour long. You will have one per module per week. (so probably 3 a week in first year). There are generally between 4-10 people per tutorial.

Reply 12
That seems so short. Am I really gonna be able to learn anything in 50 mins? :tongue:

Work is gone through very fast, and yes, an awful lot is covered in lectures... does depend on the lecturer too... some manage to spend 15 mins on 1 slide... others have lectures which are about 70-80 slides long...
Reply 13
Its not uncommon to be in lectures for three or four hours continuously depending what you are studying.

Not looking forward to having 11-5 without a break at least twice a week next yr... :frown:
Not looking forward to having 11-5 without a break at least twice a week next yr... :frown:

This year with placements and stuff I've had 9-6 with no breaks a couple of times.

Its seriously uncool.
Reply 15
This year with placements and stuff I've had 9-6 with no breaks a couple of times.

Its seriously uncool.

Euch, not nice! :frown:
Reply 16
This year with placements and stuff I've had 9-6 with no breaks a couple of times.

Its seriously uncool.

9-6?!?! Think I may be dead after that, what do you do when you finish? Go back to your room and pass out?
9-6?!?! Think I may be dead after that, what do you do when you finish? Go back to your room and pass out?

Pretty much.
Reply 18
lol, have you people ever had a full time job?
Pretty much.

Happy Times for second year :frown: