The Student Room Group

terrible terrible PMS

help!! :eek:

i went on the Pill when i was 12/13 cos i had such heavy periods and bad bad PMS. i've come off of it now im 19 cos im scared of the risk of breast cancer with long term use. so far im ok. but wheni have a period i am such a wimp, everything makes me mega mega emotional and crying for no reason. and i have a terrible uncontrollable urge to sleep for 24hrs a day and eat chocolate.
worst of all i am oily skined all the time without the pill.
any advice? i starting to think i have hormonal imbalance
go back on it. TBH you have a 1/3 chance of getting some sort of cancer anyway. I guess we can only hope.

Reply 2
With the Pill, your chance of getting some cancers increases, but others decreases. As long as you don't have any genetic factors it should be OK. Just learn how to check your breasts and then do it!
Reply 3
hey thanks everyone.
Reply 4
I think there are certain vitamins that can help whilst your on your period, not sure how useful these would be to you though.
Reply 5
no my doc tried all that, as well as the stronger painkillers etc. im just going to hibernate for a week a month
Reply 6
i get this, although often my pissing period lasts 18days rather thana week! its ridiculous! x
Reply 7
I've just remembered that I read about a special diet that can help with PMS. I think you eat every few hours. You could try and find some info on that!
PMS doens't exist, it's a mental condition
Reply 9
PMS doens't exist, it's a mental condition

shhh u ure pisd (izzy todl me)
Reply 10
I get it really bad too :frown::frown::frown:
PMS doens't exist, it's a mental condition

no, that's feminism.

PMS doens't exist, it's a mental condition

OK...I don't exactly agree with this, but I have to admit I think PMS is slightly overrated. I can't comment on the physical effects, but it makes me so angry when people use PMS as an excuse for being just incredibly bitchy and nasty; "yeah, I know I was downright rude to you yesterday, but it's that time of the month! Sorry!" And suddenly everything is meant to be forgiven :rolleyes:
Reply 13
Bloody wish I had that problem right now :eek:
I'm in agony right now, this will seriously be the death of me. I've taken pain killers and they haven't done a thing. If anything they make me feel worse because I always feel like I need to be sick after taking them. I don't even have a hot water bottle to put on my stomach. Someone help!

Surefiredaisy x