The Student Room Group

Dealing with death

I got an email this morning saying that an english student at my college has died. I knew him quite well and always said hello to him when I saw him and it just feels really strange that he's not going to be around anymore (colleges are a strange environment as there are small numbers of students and we all live together and generally know eachother). I'm not really sad though - I feel more shaken up or shocked. I am yet to see what the reaction from the rest of the college will be. Sorry, I know this doesn't really pose any questions, it's just that i'm sitting in the library and I can' t work and I thought that writing this might help.


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Reply 1
:frown: Sorry to hear that, it's obviously pretty shocking when something like that happens. I think since you've just heard it it's still sinking in, and probably won't hit you properly until you're back in college. I think then it'll also be easier to deal with - lots of people will be around you all feeling similar things, and you can help each other come to terms with what's happened.

There's nothing I can really say to make things better or actually help, but I hope you and everyone else at college are ok and have support. Cxx
Reply 2
i am very sorry for your loss, hope you don't feel to bad. xxx
Reply 3
Sorry to hear that mate. Hope you feel better soon.
Reply 4
Happened to me at school in year 10. Its weird how someone you didnt know really well but did see every day has an affect on our lives. Its really easy to focus on it too much but best to pay your respects (if you can) and then to move on. I'm really sorry this happened to you and hope your feeling ok x
Reply 5
I got an email this morning saying that an english student at my college has died. I knew him quite well and always said hello to him when I saw him and it just feels really strange that he's not going to be around anymore (colleges are a strange environment as there are small numbers of students and we all live together and generally know eachother). I'm not really sad though - I feel more shaken up or shocked. I am yet to see what the reaction from the rest of the college will be. Sorry, I know this doesn't really pose any questions, it's just that i'm sitting in the library and I can' t work and I thought that writing this might help.


I know how it feels when someone close to you dies. It feels really strange. Hope you start to feel better soon as it is the rule of life. Whoever lives must die.

Reply 6
:frown: think of death as a release, and death no longer becomes a least thats what i think...
It's most peculiar, isn't it? The thought that someone is just gone. Stranger yet, is the fact that I attended the funeral of a friend last week and didn't really feel anything.
Reply 8
oi! u said nothing happened!
Reply 9
I got an email this morning saying that an english student at my college has died. I knew him quite well and always said hello to him when I saw him and it just feels really strange that he's not going to be around anymore (colleges are a strange environment as there are small numbers of students and we all live together and generally know eachother). I'm not really sad though - I feel more shaken up or shocked. I am yet to see what the reaction from the rest of the college will be. Sorry, I know this doesn't really pose any questions, it's just that i'm sitting in the library and I can' t work and I thought that writing this might help.


I'm very sorry to hear that. When i was at school a girl who i was best mates with as a kid, but only really said hello to then died. I was so shocked too. I remember I only cried once because I was in shock and thinking, I'm never going to see her again. For me, talking to friends helped, the more I talked, the less shook up I felt and was able to come to terms with it. Maybe you should go and see your friends and I hope today isn't too awful xxxxxxxx
Reply 10
My dad died a month's still not fully sunk in. I don't wanna really talk about it like this but if you wanna PM me feel free :smile:
:frown: I'm sorry MB. When I was in yr 10 someone in my year committed suicide, and a year later someone died in a car crash, and this year a girl died of Asthma. It's really hard to deal with, because they are like us. Nobody can cope with it well. I remember when that boy died, the whole school was in complete mourning, all you could hear was people sobbing. It was awful. It's very sad when things like that happen, but you just have to get through it with the people at college, who knew him too, and try and only remember good things, that's what we all did, and it helped so much. We still talk about them alot, and everyone gets upset, but it's the best way to deal with it, in my opinion.
Reply 12
Sorry to hear about that. Hope that you're feeling better as I make this post. :smile:

I can actually understand your position. There was this girl who was in my class whom I knew for several years; though we weren't very close, we were still friends. We went to different schools five years ago, and I found out three years ago that she committed suicide. Like you, I wasn't really sad though; I felt more shocked.

But sharing the news with friends helped me get over the shock, so your telling people about your situation now may also help you come to terms with the whole thing. :smile:
Reply 13
It's been very strange today. Very few people are talking about it (at least in public) and college has gone very quiet. At lunch there were only about 75-100 people whichb during exam term when many people are putting in 10-12 hour days is nothing. There are a few people who are very upset but I haven't talked to them yet.

:frown: I'm still sorry for you, and all your college friends too
Reply 15
my dad past away 10 years and 13 days ago...

at that time i didnt even realise what he did for me and my family.

after a while and perhaps still, i wonder how my life would have changed if he was around while i was growing up..
hey music. maybe it would help to see other people who were mates with him and have a chat about things?might help u to accept that he's gone ? or perhaps if u knew his family, go and see them? with death, its usually helpful to see the body (if u are a relative) to accept the person has doed and helps u to get over it faster. perhaps for you, the closest thing you can to to that, is to go see his mates and talk about it, how he died, how u feel etc. prob better for u than sitting in the library secretly feeling sad and bottling it all up. :wink:
hey music. maybe it would help to see other people who were mates with him and have a chat about things?might help u to accept that he's gone ? or perhaps if u knew his family, go and see them? with death, its usually helpful to see the body (if u are a relative) to accept the person has doed and helps u to get over it faster. perhaps for you, the closest thing you can to to that, is to go see his mates and talk about it, how he died, how u feel etc. prob better for u than sitting in the library secretly feeling sad and bottling it all up. :wink:

Aw :biggrin: remind me to come to you for advice!
When I was at college a guy called Simon who was in my tutor group died suddenly of flu. It took about 24 hours. He was very popular, and the atmosphere of the whole college completely changed. Even though there were about 1500 sixth formers there, most of them knew who he was. There was a big shrine to him in reception, and people keeping lit candles there in the shape of his name for at least a fortnight. It's funny how the death of someone young can make you re-evaluate everything.
Reply 19
Im Sorry To hear that,.This has actually happened at my college recently, with a sixth former killed in a motocycle crash, and the college just feels odd lately. Everyone more subdued and quiet, and you can see people crying.. it jsut scares everyone. Its like one of us is gone.. Today I just found out my friends grandfather died.. I dont think these things ever sink in till you realise that there jsut not there anymore.. Death really does make you think over your own life.