you need to find some drive and determination of your own.
by all means reward yourself with food and get some of your favourite stuff in as a treat and something to look forward to if that's what floats your boat..
what food/drink do you like? try buying your favourite stuff and having some after every half-an-hour of revision that you complete!!
you need to find some drive and determination of your own.
by all means reward yourself with food and get some of your favourite stuff in as a treat and something to look forward to if that's what floats your boat..
what food/drink do you like? try buying your favourite stuff and having some after every half-an-hour of revision that you complete!!
good luck
well i like orange juice but isnt that bad for your teeth?
and red bull has an addictive taste, i was just wondering if it actually works or if people just "imagine" it to work?
Large strong black coffee. Interchange with mugs of tea, and juice for sugar It's all about quantity with me. Large drink means less trips getting more drinks hence more revision hence better grades... um.... (Also completely agree with BJack.)
Drink water...lots, keeps ur brain hydrated so u concentrate better, u can revisise more effectivly 4 longer. as for food, i find fruit and nuts help me for snacks! red bull has 8x the rda of caffiene! v. bad!
Drink water...lots, keeps ur brain hydrated so u concentrate better, u can revisise more effectivly 4 longer. as for food, i find fruit and nuts help me for snacks! red bull has 8x the rda of caffiene! v. bad!
u mean those small bags of nuts u get in tesco... they dont look very tasty but i'll do anything to do well in these exams...
eh, are you serious? as others already said the right food isn't gonna get you the grades you want, its merely another excuse to avoid actually revising.
eh, are you serious? as others already said the right food isn't gonna get you the grades you want, its merely another excuse to avoid actually revising.
i completely disagree... i have problems concentrating.
i completely disagree... i have problems concentrating.
I didn't mean to sound offensive. What i meant is that energy drinks (or whatever it is you're looking for) is not going to make you more motivated to study. Believe me. Stop thinking about an easier way out, there is no shortcut when it comes to this. All you can do is to just drag your ass to the library and study, that requires self-discipline. If you find yourself dozing off whilst studying then you could benefit from energydrinks or coffee (they keep you alert), but to drink energydrinks to motivate yourself to study is just kidding yourself.
And if you really do have a serious concentration problem like ADHD then you should take a trip to the GP instead.
well i used to use diet red bull to help me concentrate and it did help, or maybe its all just in my head but once i drank two within 2 days and started having really bad heart palpitations. At first I just thought it was cos of stress and obviously I knew that the volume of caffeine was never gonna be great but once i started googling it realised that it was definately the red bull. well that kinda freaked me out so never drank it again, but i find a good breakfast and tea or coffee usually gets you hyped up and ready to revise.