The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
10 hours a night

14 on weekends
Reply 2
i sleep for about 6-8 hours depending if i got to bed early as i always seem to wake up at 7
Reply 3
6-9 hours on a weekday but at the weekend 9+ hours
Reply 4
about 9-10 hours at the weekend and about 7-8 on week nights
woah, everyone gets more than me... i generally get about 6 during the week. weekends it varies. can be anything
Reply 6
How long do you sleep for each night?

I sleep around 6-7 hours weekdays and around 8-10 weekends yet I still feel tired every mornining.

I guess thats because I ain't a morning person.

7hrs weekdays

8 to 12hrs weekends
Reply 7
6 hrs max weekdays, 7 or 8 on saturday and then catch up by lieing on sunday morning :biggrin: ive had periods where i slept only and hour or 2 each night during the week and just being lieing awake :frown: thankfully i think im over that now :smile:
Reply 8
between 6 and 9 hours

longest period I have slept without being ill was 34 hours or something.
Reply 9
I need 9 hours a night, any more or less and I get groggy.
Reply 10
Reply 11
How long do you sleep for each night?

it completely depends on what i've done during the day. if i'm tired i can sleep up to 10 hours. else about 5/6 hours...
5-7 hours weeknights :frown:

8+ weekends
Not 8.17! :frown:
Reply 14
4 hours a weeknight and 12 over the whole weekend
Reply 15
10 hours a night

14 on weekends

Like me!
Reply 16
5-7 hours.

Soon I will break :frown:

Reply 17
between none and four hours on weeknights, up to eight (if I'm lucky) at weekends.
about 7 hours normally.
People seem to take some sort of pride in showing that they can go long periods of time without sleep. I cannot understand that. Just like people who take pride in pretending they have done no revision before exams, or that they do as little as work as possible.