The Student Room Group

I'm not a lesbian but I'm obsessed with this girl.

I have a boyfriend who i've bin with for a year and ilove him to bits. when i started college in september i began to see a girl aroun my corridor A LOT (we take the same subject but not in the same class) shes gorgeous and has the most amazing dress sense.
I asked my boyfriend what he thinks of her and he thinks she tries too hard (this was before christmas. He doesn't know I'm like obsessed with her.
I then added her on myspace and I found myself looking at her photo's up to five times a day. I see what clothes and shoes she has and I buy them. When I see her round college I watch her and look at her clothes. She has the most amazing hair and I'm currently trying to make mine like hers. Shes caught me staring a couple of times and given me horrible looks (I don't blame her lol). She's spoken to me once and was really snotty.
I try to slip her into conversations with my friends who know her and they all say she's a bitch and she loves herself. all her photo's on myspace show that she loves herself. and she has things on her myspace saying stuff like dont ask me how i do my makeup freaks.
So I'm guessing she's not a nice person. But I'm obsessed with her. I copy everything about her and I can't stop looking at her and her myspace.
I'm not attracted to her or anything. Just someone please give me some advice!!!!!!!!!

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Maybe you should get to know her?
Sounds like you have got abit obsessive and have lost yourself abit in all of this, as you are trying to take on her identidy a little with buying her clothes and such. Try finding your own style and way of doing things again, delete her off myspace and then try not to think about her, especially if she is not the nicest of people to be around.
Reply 3
why would u like someone who gives u snotty looks ..

if its only her fashion sense then develop your own
Reply 4
it's not her fashion sense. she's just incredible. shes gorgeous. she is beautiful. she is the perfect girl, i'd just give ANYTHING to look like her.
Reply 5
has she got bigger tits than you or something? no offence.
Reply 6
has she got bigger tits than you or something? no offence.

no shes got quite small boobs. and mine are a D
Reply 7
no shes got quite small boobs. and mine are a D

talk to her then. maybe your obsession will die down once you get to know her. Same as with boys sometimes, they're intruiging until they open their gobs.
Try and wean yourself off of her. I mean it's slightly unhealthy, be confident with who you are and how you are. If you like something then try it, but I'd suggest deleting her off myspace and making yourself scarce when she's around
Reply 9
why not be her bitch? judging by her attitude- im sure she would love that.
The usual answer to this would be: be yourself, not someone else. It has never made more sense than in your case, though. This girl is not the kind of person you want to be associating yourself with, nevermind 'copying'.
Reply 11
I can't delete her! :frown: I love when she puts knew pictures up so i can she new clothes she has or what shes been up to. I cant avoid her cause I see her everyday!! I can't get to know her cause she wouldn't give me the time of day! how can I be like her!?
you can be her ugly friend
I can't delete her! :frown: I love when she puts knew pictures up so i can she new clothes she has or what shes been up to. I cant avoid her cause I see her everyday!! I can't get to know her cause she wouldn't give me the time of day! how can I be like her!?

Trust me, don't bother.

If you end up looking like her clone, she'll want nothing to do with you and end up ripping you at every possible chance.
I think you need to work on your own self-esteem OP - if you loved yourself a bit more and appreciated the qualities that you have then you wouldn't feel the need to become a clone of this 'perfect' girl. Everyone has their faults, stop idolising her - I bet she looks god awful first thing in the morning! :p:
ur a lesbo
Reply 16
I didn't know other girls felt like this! lol I get obcessed with other girls too but I'm totally straight! In high school I was obcessed with a girl, like you tried to copy her and all that. I eventually "got over" her and learned to like myself a bit more but I tend to sometimes feel like that towards other girls but now it comes out as jelousy at times which I don't like. What's this girls myspace? She's probably not as hot as you think she is.
You sound ridiculously insecure. It's pathetic trying to copy someone else's style.
Seems like you've got an idol or something.

Get to know her a bit I guess.

However, I don't think she'd appreciate it if you copied her exactly, it'd be cramping her style, know what I mean? =/

Besides, you make her sound like she isn't very nice, don't copy her personality or anything if that's the case, you should only have positive role models ie. use her looks for inspiration, but don't become her clone.
Reply 19
This is what you do. Get some clothes that suit you and are different to hers. Look in the mirror and say "Damn. I look good." Then don't go on myspace for like a week.

You are now awesome. Well done.