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That almost every girl has a boyfriend, despite being fat or ugly, or just plain average, whereas plenty of decent looking blokes dont have a girl friend?

Is it just myself that notices this?! :confused:

:eek: don't judge people like that
Reply 2
That almost every girl has a boyfriend, despite being fat or ugly, or just plain average, whereas plenty of decent looking blokes dont have a girl friend?

Is it just myself that notices this?! :confused:

Actually I've noticed the opposite, that charming, attractive, thin people have partners. At least it seems to be the case here.
Reply 3
That almost every girl has a boyfriend, despite being fat or ugly, or just plain average, whereas plenty of decent looking blokes dont have a girl friend?

Is it just myself that notices this?! :confused:

Not particularly noticed this myself... and I don't think it's right to suggest that 'fat or ugly, or just plain average' people shouldn't have partners!

The flaw in your argument is that you associate good looks with relationship success. This isn't the case for a lot, possibly even most, couples.

Maybe the 'decent looking blokes' without girlfriends are in that situation because they think they are out of most girls' leagues?
Reply 4
Or perhaps the decent looking blokes know they are decent looking so play the field rather than settling down with a partner
Reply 5
That almost every girl has a boyfriend, despite being fat or ugly, or just plain average, whereas plenty of decent looking blokes dont have a girl friend?

Is it just myself that notices this?! :confused:

I don't have a boyfriend, does this make me the exception that proves the rule?
Reply 6
When I say 'decent looking' I mean, pleasent, respectable :rolleyes:

OK, take for instance my next door neighbour, she aint pretty, shes got a bf, and I can think of several other examples also, then take me and several of my friends, who havent got gfs, we are not bad looking, perhaps a bit quiet but way out of those girls that have bfs league, so why don't we have gfs?

Reply 7
When I say 'decent looking' I mean, pleasent, respectable :rolleyes:

OK, take for instance my next door neighbour, she aint pretty, shes got a bf, and I can think of several other examples also, then take me and several of my friends, who havent got gfs, we are not bad looking, perhaps a bit quiet but way out of those girls that have bfs league, so why don't we have gfs?


Something to do with that attitude perhaps?
Reply 8
When I say 'decent looking' I mean, pleasent, respectable :rolleyes:

OK, take for instance my next door neighbour, she aint pretty, shes got a bf, and I can think of several other examples also, then take me and several of my friends, who havent got gfs, we are not bad looking, perhaps a bit quiet but way out of those girls that have bfs league, so why don't we have gfs?


Because you have this sort of attitude, it isn't attractive to women. We're attracted to more than just looks, we're not all completely shallow.
maybe you arent friends with any girls? Friendship is the best way to begin, relationships are so much better when based on friendship.

Also, has it occured to you that if alllll the girls have boyfriends, accoring to you, there cant be many men left over to be single! (the difference in gender percentages does exist, but it isnt huge) so unless each girl is sharing her man with another guy, this dosent make logical sense. Im sure it just seemes this way.
Stunning girls, plain girls, all types of girls, have different personalities. You get girls who are incredibly pretty but still have lovely personalities, girls who are slightly plainer but their personality makes them have a lovely smile, or escence to them. You'll get beautiful girls who are vain and mean, and plain girls who are nasty too. I personally wouldnt pick a relationship based purely on looks, so I dont think you should be so shocked that plainer people get partners too!
Reply 10
she aint pretty

to who? you? doesnt mean that other blokes dont fancy the pants off her :rolleyes:
we need more blokes to comment on this thread :rolleyes:

my bad.
Reply 12
That almost every girl has a boyfriend, despite being fat or ugly, or just plain average, whereas plenty of decent looking blokes dont have a girl friend?

Is it just myself that notices this?! :confused:

I know what you're getting at though, it's frustrating when people you perceive to be 'worse' than you, in whatever respect, seem to be happy with a partner when you're not. Sounds like plain jealously to me, though I'm not really saying that's a bad thing.
Reply 13
Just read your thread as if you hadn't written it... I think your 'problem' (if you can call it that) is pretty clear LonelyDogsBite.

All the girls I know, myself included, find the attitude 'looks are the most important sign of whether someone is attractive' a real turn-off. Even beautiful people would like to think that they can sustain a relationship on more than looks alone.

Of course your first impressions are formed by looks, as are mine, but try to look beyond this. If you can like/love someone for their personality, you'll wonder why looks were ever so important to you.
Well, when a couple break up, the girl always seems to be the first one to get into another relationship afterwards. I know what you mean, there's a lot of guys in my halls at uni who are really nice blokes, not even bad looking (so I imagine) and have never been within 2ft of a girl who isn't their mother. It's weird, I think it's more of a confidence thing - girls don't have to be confident to get a guy, whereas with guys the girl expects them to be confident, and a bit dominant.

It's all evolutionary when you think about it. The girl chooses who's best to defend her potential offspring... or something like that.
Well, when a couple break up, the girl always seems to be the first one to get into another relationship afterwards. I know what you mean, there's a lot of guys in my halls at uni who are really nice blokes, not even bad looking (so I imagine) and have never been within 2ft of a girl who isn't their mother. It's weird, I think it's more of a confidence thing - girls don't have to be confident to get a guy, whereas with guys the girl expects them to be confident, and a bit dominant.

Someone who knows what I am getting at.

Yes I'm jealous, but I am correct.
Reply 16
It's probably the fact that you think you are out of someone's league that gives you a lovely arrogant persona that makes you less than attractive.
Reply 17
It certainly seems the case from looking at this subforum that the guys are the lonely desperate ones wanting a girlfriend and having no luck. I haven't seen any threads made by lonely girls.

I wonder why?
It's probably the fact that you think you are out of someone's league that gives you a lovely arrogant persona that makes you less than attractive.

That's all very well and good...but who here can say that they honestly never judge potential partners as being "better" or "worse" than them? Not just looks-wise, in every sense. I'd like to think I don't consider myself as being better than somebody else but then in reality I think we all do it at times.

When I was at school I was once asked out by a guy who was about a foot smaller than me, with terrible acne, bad breath and crooked teeth. He had almost no friends and was often rude or nasty to people. He had a habit of walking up to a group of people, interrupting whoever was talking and starting to talk about himself. I said no, and although I wouldn't have admitted it at the time, a small part of me felt very indignant that he would dare ask me out - the idea that he saw himself as being on the same "level" as me made me feel quite humiliated. I feel awful about that now, but to be honest I think it's just human nature to categorise people into "leagues" of attractiveness.

Obviously attractiveness can often have little to do with looks, but that's a different matter.
That almost every girl has a boyfriend, despite being fat or ugly, or just plain average, whereas plenty of decent looking blokes dont have a girl friend?

Is it just myself that notices this?! :confused:

it's the same for girls too.

tonnes of pretty, gorgeous, and nice girls i know are single. and many average-looking guys have gf's.

and remember though...there are more males than females in this world. so if you go on a 1:1 bf/gf ratio...there's bound to be guys leftover. :rolleyes: