The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Off the top of my head
Cuando las ranas críen pelo - When the frogs grow hair.
Like saying when pigs fly.
Hablar con el corazon en el mano - To wear your heart on your sleeve.
Hay cuatro gatos - There are only four cats i.e. theres not alot of people there.
Ir al grano - To get to the point
If you have time before the exam, theres a fantastic book called 101 spanish idioms (i think), it has loads of common and unusual ones, including south american ones and it puts them into context aswell so you can practise reading. hope that helps!
Reply 2
Thanks, that "get to the point" one is good
Reply 3
Erm... let me think

A mi modo de ver- the way I see it
mas loco que una cabra- as mad as a hatter
hacia un tiempo de perros- it was rubbish weather
como dice la gente- as the saying goes
de vez en cuando- from time to time

Hope that's of some use :smile: warning though- I didn't know the accent symbols so just add them for 'mas' and 'hacia'...
Reply 4
llovia cantado - it was raining cats and dogs

Only one i knnow sorryyy :smile:
cuestra el ojo de la cara - it costs an arm and a leg :smile: (in spanish it means it costs an eye of your face)
me aburro como una ostra- to be really bored

me pone de los nervíos- it gets only nerves

ser sana como una manzana- to be healthy (describing a person)

ser pan comido- to be a piece of cake/really easy

tener la salud de hierro- to be fit as a fiddle

si eso fuera más poco- if this wasn't enough

estar harto/a(s) OR estar frito/a(s)- to be fed up

tener un vicio- to have a bad habit

Sólo el tiempo dirá – only time will tell

A corto plazo – in the near future

A donde fueres, haz lo que vieres – when in Rome do as the Romans do

A escondidas – secretly

A fin de cuentas – all things considered

A lo mejor – maybe

A propósito – by the way, on purpose

Al buen hambre no hay pan duro – beggars can’t be choosers

Al fin y al cabo – all things said and done

Al pie de la letra – by the book

Apretarse el cinturón – to tighten one’s belt

Atar los cabos sueltos – to tie up loose ends

Comer con los ojos – one’s eyes are bigger than one’s stomach

Comer a besos – to cover with kisses

Como Dios manda – properly

Consultar con la almohada – to sleep on it

Creerse el ombligo del mundo – to think the world revolves around you

Cuando las vacas vuelen – when pigs fly

Cumplir la palabra – to keep your word

Dar pelota a alguien – to pay attention to someone