The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
never heard of it but it sounds good. What else is there if you become a member?
Reply 2
i dont know i just know you can stay the night if you are a member, go into the gym and just lounge around. however it is only for people from the english public schools and has a reputation for being full of very posh arrogant up their own arse type of people so i dont know whether to consider it
Reply 3
that is outrageous.. i am going to egg it when i next go to london
Reply 4
that is outrageous.. i am going to egg it when i next go to london

lol im guessing you're not going to apply then
Reply 5
Did you say it's ONLY for public school kids, or just full of them?...
Reply 6
Did you say it's ONLY for public school kids, or just full of them?...

yes its only for public school people and also therefore full of them lol. but there are some normal public school people, like me :biggrin: .however this club is deemed to be exxxxxxtremely posh and therefore full of public school people who are up their own arses
Reply 7
Also, it is only for boys. Boooooo. WTF is that about?
Reply 8
only for boys and private school people?! urgh, i can't believe they still have this sort of thing in today's society. c'mon, please, wouldn't you rather spend your money on something much more worthwhile?
As a result of a scheme initiated many years ago, young men on leaving their Headmasters Conference (HMC) school could join the Public School’s Club for seven years with a letter of recommendation from their headmaster! This tradition was carried on following the merger of the Public School’s Club with the East India in 1972.

The years - and inflation - have taken their toll on the pound, but the spirit of the scheme remains, and the current fee represents outstanding value with nothing more to pay until the age of 25 and no joining fee. The facility must, however, be taken up within 18 months of leaving school.

The J7s are full East India Club members, enjoying all the facilities provided by the club, and currently account for some 30% of the total membership.
Reply 10
Okay, fine, but the fact that it's only for public school kids of the male kind? What gives them the right to have opportunites and priviledges of that sort? The whole idea sounds so outdated, especially it's attidudes towards women.
Reply 11
i am going to try and blag my way in
Reply 12
How will you do that? Don't you need to show that you attend an Independant School?
How will you do that? Don't you need to show that you attend an Independant School?

There's a difference between Independent and Public Schools; all are private, but only private schools who have membership of the HMC are Public Schools.
Reply 14
Oh I see...

But anyway, Dave doesn't attend a fee-paying school that belongs to the HMC... :wink:
Reply 15
i go to eton ^^
Reply 16
Oh I already know what school you go to...

I've seen you ask loads of ppl on T2U and on TSR
Okay, fine, but the fact that it's only for public school kids of the male kind? What gives them the right to have opportunites and priviledges of that sort? The whole idea sounds so outdated, especially it's attidudes towards women.

I point out that there is the Universities' Women's Club, which is for women only. I don't hear you complaining about that. Also, there are all-female colleges at Oxford and Cambridge, but no all-male colleges - why not? I'll tell you why: because people who claim to be in favour of equality would make a terrible fuss about it, but conveniently ignore the all-female colleges. I don't call THAT very equal.
Reply 18
That's because women have always been under-represented in various spheres of life, so such institutions that promote all-women colleges etc are doing just that: trying to represent women.
Reply 19
well said my son.. xanthe do you think its right for a man to have to hold a door open for you? or feel obliged to pay for a meal etc?