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No. It's dishonest.
Reply 2
why are u asking? are u planning to? :eek:
Reply 3
no couldnt live with myself and the guilt if i did
Reply 4
Whether or not they ever found out wouldn't make a difference to me: if anything, it would be my conscience that stopped me.
Reply 5
why are u asking? are u planning to? :eek:

You bet!

Just checking if people have a conscience. My conscience stops me from doing anything :frown: half of the time.
Reply 6
I'm doubtful I'd want to... whether I could get away with it or not, I dont see myself feeling for another person when in a relationship. I was numb for months even after I broke up with my last girlfriend.
Reply 7
OK then. Another related question: Do you sometimes wonder if you have sex within a relationship just so you don't feel promiscuous? I know people who seem to think that as soon as they've found a boyfriend/girlfriend, whatever they do is perfectly fine, because they're not being slutty/promiscuous
Reply 8
No. I've cheated on one partener but that was only because he deserved it, plus he never found out. Discretion is the name of the game my friend :eek:
Reply 9
erm... i have no partner to cheat on... :biggrin:
No, if he's important enough to me that i've entered into an exclusive relationship with him, he's important enough for me to honor that exclusivity.
Reply 11
No way. If everyone had that attitude, you would ever trust anyone ever again. If it can happen once, it can def happen again.

I know i'd die on the spot if someone told me my lover had slept with someone else. It hurts too much. Ive been there before being told that I have been cheated on and it is by FAR the worst feeling in the world. Id rather be kicked in the go-nads. :frown:
Reply 12
No. I've cheated on one partener but that was only because he deserved it, plus he never found out. Discretion is the name of the game my friend :eek:

So would :eek: That's awful.
Who did you cheat him with?
Reply 13
No way. If everyone had that attitude, you would ever trust anyone ever again. If it can happen once, it can def happen again.

I know i'd die on the spot if someone told me my lover had slept with someone else. It hurts too much. Ive been there before being told that I have been cheated on and it is bar FAR the worst feeling in the world. Id rather be kicked in the go-nads. :frown:

Well Kinsey showed that loads of married couples in the US cheat on eachother. As long as the partner doesn't find out... that seems to be the name of the game. So within serious relationships, this stuff happens all the time. Unfortunately people aren't as righteous as they'd like to be.
Reply 14
OK then. Another related question: Do you sometimes wonder if you have sex within a relationship just so you don't feel promiscuous? I know people who seem to think that as soon as they've found a boyfriend/girlfriend, whatever they do is perfectly fine, because they're not being slutty/promiscuous

yup. im the dirtiest girlfriend, but the most sexually conservative single girl ever.

lots of reasons i guess...i don't want to feel like a slut, as you say, but also because (cliche coming....) sex is better in a relationship, and i think most of that's psychological. You FEEL safer, so the sex is better.
Reply 15
yup. im the dirtiest girlfriend, but the most sexually conservative single girl ever.

lots of reasons i guess...i don't want to feel like a slut, as you say, but also because (cliche coming....) sex is better in a relationship, and i think most of that's psychological. You FEEL safer, so the sex is better.

having said that, as of half an hour ago i am single. so maybe this time round i'll be slightly different :smile:

can't really imagine that happening though, nor do i particularly want to. I love sex, but i love myself too and prefer to offer my flower (lovely victorian phrase :smile: ) to those who have been scrutinised and deemed worthy of my acrobatic skills
Reply 16
but sometimes you just feel so much freer when you're not having sex within the confines of a relationship.
Reply 17
yup. im the dirtiest girlfriend, but the most sexually conservative single girl ever.

lots of reasons i guess...i don't want to feel like a slut, as you say, but also because (cliche coming....) sex is better in a relationship, and i think most of that's psychological. You FEEL safer, so the sex is better.

Mmmm interesting. Your reply kind of confirms my impression. Of course, sex within a relationship, and at least with someone who respects you completely is always more satisfying. But I've also noticed that girls are sometimes obsessed with the idea of being considered a "slut".
Ok, here comes a bit of nasty/cynical comment: a girl who jumps from one boyfriend to another, without ever really having any feelings for them, is she really less slutty than a girl who regularly pulls guys in clubs to sleep with them?
Reply 18
Mmmm interesting. Your reply kind of confirms my impression. Of course, sex within a relationship, and at least with someone who respects you completely is always more satisfying. But I've also noticed that girls are sometimes obsessed with the idea of being considered a "slut".
Ok, here comes a bit of nasty/cynical comment: a girl who jumps from one boyfriend to another, without ever really having any feelings for them, is she really less slutty than a girl who regularly pulls guys in clubs to sleep with them?

Reply 19
Mmmm interesting. Your reply kind of confirms my impression. Of course, sex within a relationship, and at least with someone who respects you completely is always more satisfying. But I've also noticed that girls are sometimes obsessed with the idea of being considered a "slut".
Ok, here comes a bit of nasty/cynical comment: a girl who jumps from one boyfriend to another, without ever really having any feelings for them, is she really less slutty than a girl who regularly pulls guys in clubs to sleep with them?

well i guess it depends on her motives. if she's using the bf for a shag, it's exactly the same. Personally i don't get into relationships *just* for the sex, although, in the case of my most recent relationship, that was probably why i stayed in it for so long. Does that make me a slut?!