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HPLC elution order

Been on a basic HPLC course past couple of days, and had the exam today. All went fine, apart from one question that we were all a little confused about, everyone was coming up with different reasoning, most of which sounded about right, but I'd like a definitive answer from someone a bit more experienced with it!

Q: A test sample is run on a C18 column. The sample contains a mixture of the following:

Benzoic acid




The mobile phase being used was a 60:40 mixture of MeOH:s-smilie:odium Citrate buffer (pH 3.2). Aniline eluted first. In what order did the other compounds elute?

Many thanks :smile:
Since it's a reverse phase column I would expect aniline -> benzoic acid -> toluene. But I may be wrong I don't do that much HPLC afterall :tongue:
Reply 2
And phenol after benzoic acid but before toluene? I think that may have been what I put...
oh wait I didn't see phenol in there (the image isn't showing up) :tongue:

I would guess that phenol is more polar than PhCO2H and so come off before (as it dissolves in water at room temp, whilst PhCO2H doesn't)
Reply 4
Aah, seems to be working for me!

Hmm, yeah, it was phenol/benzoic acid issue that was confusing me! I know I got toluene in the right place hehe.
I honestly wouldn't like to call it :nah:

I'm soo going to TLC them tommorrow
Reply 6
Haha, have I peaked your curiousity that much? :biggrin:
it just sounds like it's something I should know, but invariably don't
Reply 8
it just sounds like it's something I should know, but invariably don't

Fair enough xD God knows I've had enough of those moments lol.

Let me know if your TLCing answers the question :biggrin:
Reply 9
If it helps, I have some pKa data!

Toluene - 41
Aniline - 27
Phenol - 9.95
Benzoic Acid - 4.21
Reply 10
Bump! Surely there must be someone good with HPLC who can help me? It's really bugging me >_<
Sorry I didn't get round to TLCing those :tongue:

pKa's won't help I don't think
Reply 12
Hehe, no worries :p:

I dug out the pKa stuff because a couple of scientists at work (who also couldn't figure it out!) suggested they might help lol xD
Reply 13
I would say the elution order is aniline; benzoic acid; phenol; toluene.
At pH 3.2 (the pH of the citrate buffer) aniline is totally protonated, thus becoming the most polar compound. Benzoic acid is only partially dissociated into benzoate ion at pH 3.2, and is the second most polar compound considering the ammount of benzoate ion coexisting with benzoic acid at pH 3.2. Phenol is totally undissociated but is more polar than toluene thus being the third eluted compound. Toluene being nonpolar elutes last.
Reply 14
I finally got my exam paper back! I have the definitive answer!

Aniline --> Benzoic Acid --> Phenol --> Toluene.

Which is what I put :smile: I got full marks! :excited:
yay, full marks