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The Official Aston University Thread

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Reply 380
ok quite a few people on rite now i think.. good to see so many nice people comin to aston =]

taran - yea i hope its a 3-horse race next year.. hopefully ferrari will bounce back..the good thing now about f1 is that u can actually enjoy the race without being a real stauch supporter for any team.. yea get a tv.. put it up in the kitcheen...cudnt hurt..

neems (i think alice) - from wat i make out u are cute.. ah well a lil stupid too..but basically cute =] .. yea u shud get a tv too..juss make sure its a small one.. as people like us dont have lakeside apartments like mr taran there.. haha .. oh and the drinking..its only 2 weeks.. and if u really need to srink during fresher's juss look out for me.. i shud have a bugz tatoo on my right forearm(if i go thru with it be4 i leave)

queenah - another undergrad who hasnt turned 18 yet .. haha .. im an international student too.. im allowed to carry 55 kg.. i have no idea how much im carrying tho.. cauzi havent done any shopping yet!!!! ..

prodigy - i dont drink either.. well except for like one drink when i go out.. u know..kind of a social drinker.. oh and 8 player isnt fun in any game except street.. but streets got boring now..played it too much.. but yea.. pro-ev or fifa.. im good at it all =]

nick - yeaaa i hate arsene!!.. except for the fact that he has the shrewdest brain in the transfer market...vieira for 7 mil.. henry for 5 mil.. wtf is all that about.. he has an eye for talent that guy.. sad about ure leg tho bro.. yea i was in my school first team too.. haha but ill juss compare it for u.. im in india.. best indian player = baichung bhutia.. he joined Bury FC ... which is a club in the 2nd division...and he got chucked out from there cauz he wasnt close to good enuff.. so yea being in a school team here duznt really mater much haha .. and yea im a big footbal fan too.. juss luv talkin about it.. so sorry if any1 minds =]

gawd this is long.. ive never typed a mail so long.. but its 1 atnight and im bored so ah well.. might as well know my new schoolmates a lil more..

ben and Kt and phil - thx for al lthe help about the uni... really appreciated.. i think everyone will agree
Reply 381
oh and another thing.. i see some email adrresses of people under "instand messagin" .. im guessin its ok if i add em to msn?? .. no worries if u dont want me to tho.. juss lemme know whos ok with it.. =]
Reply 382
hhmmm smashing pumpkins? synth led? not quite. Although have you heard Billy Corgans new solo album? the sound is brilliant.

Thinking more stuff like depeche mode, Client, goldfrapp, human league, new order [before they got bored and picked up guitars] lol

Rhythms are hard for me to compose at the moment.

There are large quantities of SP material that is synth led imo. Not all though. The new Corgan album is remeniscent of SP's adore, one of my favourites. So naturally I quite like it.

btw, nybody know anything about Basketball at Aston? I play myself but arent sute about the level to which Aston plays, and wether or not the local club situation is any good. (Im aware of Aston Athletics EBL team, but I ertainly ain't that good heh)
Reply 383
I was thinking of bringing a small TV down and using it simply for my pS2 (games/dvd's) - But simply not bringing the aerial. You've got to inform the licensing board if you plan to do that apparently. But that can wait till ive sorted my bank accounts out :tongue:
Reply 384
best indian player = baichung bhutia.. he joined Bury FC ... which is a club in the 2nd division...and he got chucked out from there cauz he wasnt close to good enuff..

oh my god!!! baichung bhutia, i used to buy him all the time in the old championship manager games lol!
Reply 385
ohh i still play CM... CM5 .. if u do play..lemme know ill give u some sexy buys ;-) .. try this player if u do..mario santana.. from argentina..i always bought winger but very very good.. i thot he was a made up player.. until i saw him playing for argentina in the confederations cup last season!!!!..

baichung bhutia is no good.. in the game even..dont know which version ure using.. i alwaysbuy.. all patriotism and ****..but never use him haha
Reply 386
ohh i still play CM... CM5 .. if u do play..lemme know ill give u some sexy buys ;-) .. try this player if u do..mario santana.. from argentina..i always bought winger but very very good.. i thot he was a made up player.. until i saw him playing for argentina in the confederations cup last season!!!!..

baichung bhutia is no good.. in the game even..dont know which version ure using.. i alwaysbuy.. all patriotism and ****..but never use him haha

urgh i hated the new fake "championship manager". i play football manager 2005 which is the true sequel to CM4. FM2006 is coming soon as well hehehehe
Reply 387
BUGZ be an angel, u r my new best friend :-D hehehehe!!

which dorm will u be in??

and about the tattoo, go for it, i have one on my right arm and i LoVe It!
Reply 388
hey by the way! how many suitcases/boxes are you people bringing! SOMEONE TELL ME!
Reply 389
oh prodigy.. i mean FM FM.. not CM the new CM is dirty..totally diff...FM2005 is the actual CM.. yea i play 2012 rite now.. with Man UTd and england..and have another game going on...2011 with West HAm them promotion and made em reach 5th in the premiership in 6 years..not too shabby eh?.. so yea try santana ..hes cool.. if u want other buys lemme know..and ure budget too

queenah - i got no clue how many boxes cauz i seriouslyhavent done any shopping yet!!!.. sum1 help..i dont even know wat to buy..wat much to get with me!! ..

im in lawrence.. and u?.. and about the tattoo.. i really want one.. dunno if im gonna get it tho.. .. oh and another question.. is ure name queenah????
Reply 390
Get the tattoo but make sure u choose something u really really like, get it somewhere safe and make sure u get it in the right place, dont choose something u may regret.
my name is not queenah but its my email :-D lol
Reply 391
Get the tattoo but make sure u choose something u really really like, get it somewhere safe and make sure u get it in the right place, dont choose something u may regret.
my name is not queenah but its my email :-D lol

yea i think im gettin "Bugz" tattooed on my arm.. hope i do... haha.. so u use msn?.. mind if i add u?
Reply 392
sure dear add me
Reply 393
lol I also have a tattoo, very recently I got a piercing too as an impulse buy while in soho after a night out.

Re Basketball - have a good chat at the freshers fair, i think theres a team, if not you can start one up.
Reply 394
how do u sort tv licences out?? just go to the website? prob best to wait til i get there i spose.
Reply 395
ooooooo!!! y am i suddenly a 'junior member' not 'new member'? i'm going up in the world!!!
Reply 396
bugz, i just noticed that you location is bombay. thats cool. it must be good there.

the tv lisence situation. tv owners, are you lot all going to be getting tv lisences?

i so badly cant wait to go uni now. flipping excited an everything. i even baught my first party shirt yesterday.wohoooo.
go away for a day and lots of posts.....

ok first tv's i was in standard and had a 15inch tv in my room along with laptop and dvd player and printer and scanner so i think you can fit it all in.....

shopping i will be available from international freshers week to drag out to bullring if anyone wants a shopping buddy ( though maybe im not best for fashion lol)

ps2 definately my mate had one in his room though i ent to good at the footie games got tekken 4 at mo (btw look out for the tekken tournament during freshers!) sure that as long as you don't advertise it you shold be ok neems and queenah just dont go anywhere outside the guild until you are 18....

there are loads of footie teams at aston and if you just want to have a kickabout most peeps will be up 4 it me included....

tatoo's i really want to get one of a dragon......i mite go out and get it on my 20th like a week before freshers :smile:

and anyone is free to add me to msn

Reply 398
yea taran im in bombay.. =] .. i bought 3-4 party shirts this week too.. okay sum1 help me
im useless at this
how many shirts do i get with me?.. cauz im totally confused.. ive thot of taking 10 and then thot of taking 40!!.. how many jeans? trousers.. ? .. juss help me sum1.. help a useless person out people..!
Reply 399
Are We All Stuck With The Packing Problem?!?!?!