The Student Room Group

Online Dating

I need to write an article on eDating.

I am involved in a successful online relationship and soon the relationship will go further as he is moving here in July. This makes it hard to write about both sides of the issue.

The funny thing is that niether of us were looking for love, it just found us. We met on an Online sellers forum not or

Does anyone have opinions good or bad on eDating? I am having a hard time coming up with the negative aspect of it.

Would you eDate if you had the opportunity?

Any opinion is welcomed. :biggrin:
Reply 1

Personally i couldn't see it working for me, but thats because i don't see how there can be any chemistry for things to get to a stage where you really like each other. I love the physical side of the butterflies you get when you see someone you fancy and i just don't see how it can develop from someone you've never met. Thats presuming your not gonna meet up until the relationship has started. I just don't like the idea.

It might work for you though!
Reply 2
I am thankful that we have met once before. The green scales weren't all that bad. :P
Another negative: you could become stuck on eDating, therefore all your partners are long distance. This is also problematic for younger daters (like my stoopid sister).

Also if you're shy you may become addicted to the easy-way-out option of online dating and never really experience meeting new people face to face.