The Student Room Group
'Fucithalmic eye drops'? It's for my dog, he's ran out but I can't afford them from the vets - I found it online for a bout £5 but I wanted to buy from a highstreet shop, is it possible?

Thank you =]

I'd be wary of getting them online, you don't really know what's in them. As for getting them on the highstreet, if they're on a prescription type dealie, I highly doubt that, too. What about phoning up some pet shops in the area and see if they can suggest anything? :smile:

How much are they at the vets, btw?
The vet may well end up being the only place you can get them (reliable ones, anyway). Rather than booking an appointment at the vet which'll cost you the consultation fee, you can always call the vets and say that you've run out, is there any chance you can come get some more. They shouldn't charge too much for that because you've not asked to see a vet.

You shouldn't be put off by vets fees, we all know they're expensive. It cost my parents £400 for a bloody rabbit once... That was fun. Anyway, I digress, try ringing the vet and see what they say :smile:
Ask your vet for a prescription, they can give one for six months supply, you have to pay for this but then you can buy on line, even with the cost of prescription it should work out cheaper.
Original post by deovolante
Ask your vet for a prescription, they can give one for six months supply, you have to pay for this but then you can buy on line, even with the cost of prescription it should work out cheaper.

You're very unlikely to get antibiotics or antibiotic ointments on long term prescription. Maybe up to several weeks for a deep skin infection but certainly not six months. If an eye or skin infection is not resolved in a week you should book a repeat consultation with your vet.

As far as prescriptions go if everybody bought their pet's medication online vets would be forced to put up their prices elsewhere - long term it is a false economy.
It's not the cost of the medication so much as the vets fees for an examination. I can see my cat has conjunctivitis and two antibiotics are available fusidic acid and chloromphenical. The latter is available without prescription to humans but not for cats dogs or rabbits. The visit cost me 75 outrageous pounds plus £12. 50 for drops 3 gram size. We need more charity organisations for when lets Re I'll and have no money. There are a few but you have to fit the very strict criteria to seek help,.it should be based on the severity of a loved pets condition not their owners ability to pay horrendous fees
We just bought fucithalmic eye drops from our vets for £16 . Luckily we didn't have to pay their £35 consultation fee! Checking online they cost £4 from Lloyd's the chemists with a private prescription. Vet charges in the UK are an absolute ripoff!
(edited 7 years ago)
Reply 7
Optrex Bacterial Conjunctivitis 1% w/w Eye Ointment £5.99 from Superdrug or GoldenEye® Antibiotic 1% w/w Chloramphenicol Eye Ointment £ similar I think, from Lloyds Pharmachy a few others: Both are Chloramphenicol rather than Fusidic Acid but according to my search on Mumsnet both can be used on dogs and horses for conjunctiveitis. Needs to be used 3 or 4 times per day rather than the 2x for Fucidic Acid but similarly it needs to be used for 5 days even if the eyes seem better or ther is a danger of the bugs becomng resistant rather than dead!
Wish id seen this before today - paid consultation fee of £45 last week for ?conjunctivitis in our schnauzer's eye - advise to bathe but comeback if not improved. Anyway it got worse unsurprisingly - called them today and they organised eye drops to collect - £28!! Unbelievable!!!!!!!!!
Reply 9
Ive just been charged £28.75 for a tube of Isathal along with the £30 consultation fee for 10 mins maximum