The Student Room Group

Grade Boundaries 2005

Hey, seen as the exams are nigh upon us, it would be nice to know exactly what I'm aiming for - what mark will get me an A* etc...I know this is quite random, but the knowledge of some on TSR is also quite random, and I reckon there'll be some clever TSR's who'll be able to help me, and others, out on this. Basically, I'm wondering what the approximate grade boundaries are for my subjects - I've searched on the examination board websites but they (as usual) aren't much help! I guess people could go on past grade boundaries etc...but I don't know these either!

I know lots of people would like to know approx. grade boundaries for 2005, so if anyone knows any I reckon we should all just stick em in this thread, so we have a rough idea of what to aim for.

My subjects are:
Biology - AQA
Chemistry - AQA
English Language - OCR
English Literature - OCR
French - AQA
Geography - AQA
History - OCR
Maths - EdExcel
Physics - AQA

All I've been told is that the Science ones are high, the PE one is high (something like 95% for an A*), that the Maths ones are low, and nothing else! I don't know anything for sure. If anyone has some decent estimates, would be much appreciated.


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Reply 1
You're doing triple science right? I think the boundaries are even higher for triple. :frown:
Mine are the same, except for:

French and Spanish - OCR
ICT and history - EdExcel

I think the actual %s for boundaries are not known until all the scripts have been marked - don't they give a certain top % of people A*s etc? Meh, I don't know.
Reply 2
Ooh that sounds worrying - a certain percentage of people?! You know I'm just the type of person to be, say, the 26th percentile, when they need like 25% or summit! lol. :frown: Tis always the way with me! (I have a habit of missing things by one mark, which - when it happens consistently - makes me verge on the suicidal. :frown: I'm kidding).

But yeah, I'm doing triple science. (Love it :tongue:) But I think you're right - the grade boundaries are meant to be ridiculously high! I don't know how high though...grr. You doing triple science too? I assume so if you're doing the same AS options as me. One of best friends is doing Bio, Chem, Phys and Maths at A-Level, but only did Double Science...I think she's gonna struggle. :frown: Our school said there's a huge gulf between Double Science and A-Level Science, but less of one for Triple and A-Level. :smile: Not that you can't do it with double, just that it's meant to be harder.

Anyway, I'm just worried about GBs.
Reply 3
Yeah, PE (AQA) boundaries are meant ot be high this year. My teacher told me that my practical grade will probably go down from a B to a C. Crapiness.
Reply 4
I'm not sure about those ones, but I know for Textiles (OCR) the A* Grade boundary is 97.5%...
Reply 5
I'm not sure about those ones, but I know for Textiles (OCR) the A* Grade boundary is 97.5%...

omgggggg :eek:
All subs, except for maths and a few others, have A* boundary around 80%.
Reply 7
Yeah I know, but I'd just like to know more specifically...obviously I can't know exactly what it'll be, but I'd like more of an indication. :smile: I know that for Maths Edexcel an A is 45% and an A* is 61%. And that for PE is much higher. But some of the subs I've been told you only need like 70%! I dunno.
Reply 8
Yeah I know, but I'd just like to know more specifically...obviously I can't know exactly what it'll be, but I'd like more of an indication. :smile: I know that for Maths Edexcel an A is 45% and an A* is 61%. And that for PE is much higher. But some of the subs I've been told you only need like 70%! I dunno.

Maths EDEXCEL A Grade 45%?!?! Hmm...That might be achievable for me!! I always thought around 40% was B and around 60% was A. Then 80% and above A*...Guess I was wrong!
Reply 9
omgggggg :eek:

Yeah, that's what our class said when our teacher told us too. :biggrin: Needless to say I don't think any of us will be getting A*s somehow...
Reply 10
I think it depends overall how well people do nationally. If the trend is people not doing the exam as well, they'll lower them, if it is an easy paper they'll make them higher.
i have been told that the PE grade boundaries are about 85% overall for an A*. i do OCR PE. and our teachers have been teaching the same course for donkeys years
Reply 12
the grade boundary for A* in AQA art is about 96%!
I think it depends overall how well people do nationally. If the trend is people not doing the exam as well, they'll lower them, if it is an easy paper they'll make them higher.


I think top 4.6% of entrants are awarded A*, then next 20% A and so on. That is how the grade boundaries are calculated - from the applicants' marks.
Reply 14
is that really how it is worked out?
Reply 15
I'm not sure about those ones, but I know for Textiles (OCR) the A* Grade boundary is 97.5%...

why do ppl do textiles and useless gcses such as that...its pointless
Reply 16
the grade boundary for A* in AQA art is about 96%!

ywh but loads of ppl get it
Reply 17
zip it123
why do ppl do textiles and useless gcses such as that...its pointless

Actually,dear, they're only useless in your opinion.

If you're referring to Design subjects as a whole, then people tend to do them because they find the subject interesting, want to learn skills (i.e. how to cook, sew etc.) or because they intend to go into a career in those areas.
Reply 18
Actually,dear, they're only useless in your opinion.

If you're referring to Design subjects as a whole, then people tend to do them because they find the subject interesting, want to learn skills (i.e. how to cook, sew etc.) or because they intend to go into a career in those areas.

no sewing/textiles is pointless

dt is not (its useful and requires work...efofort and ability)

dont get them confused

they shud not be given the same level of qulaificaition as e.g. history

because they are not that difficult....anyone with half a brain cell can do textiles....the reason why the boundaries are so high is becuase the exams are so easy and thus even those with half a brain cell get a/a*
Reply 19
zip it123
no sewing/textiles is pointless

dt is not

dont get them confused

they shud not be given the same level of qulaificaition as e.g. history

because they are not that difficult....anyone with half a brain cell can do textiles....the reason why the boundaries are so high is becuase the exams are so easy and thus even those with half a brain cell get a/a*

Textiles is DT. It is a Design subject, not an Arts subject. You have the same skills and the same processes that are involved in any DT subject.

Some subjects are bound to be easier than others, but it depends on the person taking the exam too. Someone who is creative and logical but has poor essay and analytical skills will do much better in Textiles than at History exam, but you're saying that because they don't have a certain type of skill they shouldn't be allowed a qualification in a subject they're good at? That's not fair.

For your information, Textiles is the hardest subject I've done this year (And My GCSE subjects include History). The workload is massive, and the theory is actually more complex than you'd think. There is far more to learn than just 'how to sew'. Actual construction takes up very little of the GCSE percentage.