Hey, seen as the exams are nigh upon us, it would be nice to know exactly what I'm aiming for - what mark will get me an A* etc...I know this is quite random, but the knowledge of some on TSR is also quite random, and I reckon there'll be some clever TSR's who'll be able to help me, and others, out on this. Basically, I'm wondering what the approximate grade boundaries are for my subjects - I've searched on the examination board websites but they (as usual) aren't much help! I guess people could go on past grade boundaries etc...but I don't know these either!
I know lots of people would like to know approx. grade boundaries for 2005, so if anyone knows any I reckon we should all just stick em in this thread, so we have a rough idea of what to aim for.
My subjects are:
Biology - AQA
Chemistry - AQA
English Language - OCR
English Literature - OCR
French - AQA
Geography - AQA
History - OCR
Maths - EdExcel
Physics - AQA
All I've been told is that the Science ones are high, the PE one is high (something like 95% for an A*), that the Maths ones are low, and nothing else! I don't know anything for sure. If anyone has some decent estimates, would be much appreciated.