Went to the doctors today as even after nine months (now) of tiredness and dizziness, and with me changing my diet/adding more fruit, I'm still getting rather dizzy. Lately it's been getting worse, with me feeling faith after even a small chocolate. Apparently, my blood sugar levels may have gone through the roof for some reason, and then crashed back down :/
Also, the reason why I continue to feel faint is that I feel the dizziness come on, and I start hyperventilating. The doctor noticed this when I had a 'turn' in the surgery, which was followed by a bunch of little ones, and suggested that I have a complete crackdown on chocolate and sugary stuff. Basically, don't have it at all.
So, any ideas for snacking food? I've been eating grapes when I've been craving chocolate today, but fruit isn't really that accessible in my house (set amount each week is bought, if that's gone it's gone. No more until weekly shop) and I can't keep spending money on those packets of fruit you get at Boots (which, by the way, are really tasty).
I don't really have time for a set lunch at the moment, so I'd prefer little snacks throughout the day, but healthy ones (i.e. ones with as little sugar as possible).
I'm thinking yogurts.