When you are still infatuated with someone in the early stages of a relationship you dont often see their faults, so you argue very little. Things they do that might annoy you, dont, because you idolise them. Everything gets glossed over because you are so amazed to be together, so tolerant, so easy going. After this initial glow wears off, couples can find that fundemental things about each others personalities annoy each other. You are slightly more established, and therefore you know that if you argue, it dosent equal instant breakup, so you feel safe enough to act irritiable from time to time.
Showing someone your human side, getting mad under times of stress,and being overly hormonal at certain times of the month are all fine...either you'll stick through them, because you care for each other, or you'll break up, because you didnt like the relationship and needed an excuse to end things. HOWEVER....
What you have here dosent sound like common, occassional irritation. From what you've said your boyfriend sounds like he's taking advantage of the fact he knows you wont leave him, no matter how he acts. He feels safe in your relationship...safe enough to make you miserable, without fear of you turning around and saying "sod off then" and leaving him for good. It is unpleasant of him to do this, and exploit your bond with him. From what you have said, you do argue back, which is good because being a doormat can suck, but there's a chance that maybe you two just naturally rub each other up the wrong way - you'll probably be very intensely loving and passionate, but just as firey when you fight. If you really are two people who are both quite dominant and argumentative, this isnt impossible to work out, but it will take a lot of time and maturity; you'll have to sit your boyfriend down, and honestly tell him how this makes YOU feel. Dont talk about him, dont use accusing words, dont say "YOU make me feel like this" say "when you do that I feel..." or even the more neutral "When that happens, I feel..." a confrontational attitude dosent sound like it would work, so keep this like you are confessing to him that YOU have a problem, and if things dont clear up, YOU dont feel like you can be happy in the relationship. I'm not saying blame yourself, just steer clear of anything that sounds like "You do these things! You make me feel bad!" because then he'll feel the need to defend himself, will get angry, and wont hear the truth behind your words because he's so busy getting self righteous. Hope this helps.