The Student Room Group
Hello, i'm studiying indigestion tablets that contain magnesium carbonate and just need to know the pH of MgCO3 - i've looked everywhere and it's a pain because i can't find it.

Please help anyone?


I dont know for sure but its definitely alkaline so I would say around 9 or 10. Not sure if that is specific enough for you. :rolleyes:

Edit: In fact I just googled it:

9.5 is the answer according to thats site. Not a bad guess :p:
Reply 2
thankyou :smile:
Reply 3
Hello, i'm studiying indigestion tablets that contain magnesium carbonate and just need to know the pH of MgCO3 - i've looked everywhere and it's a pain because i can't find it.

What do you mean by pH of MgCO3 - pH of saturated solution? MgCO3 has pKso = 5.0. Assuming it didn't dissolve further once the hydrolysis removed part of the CO3(2-) (which is wrong assumption but I have no time for full equlibrium calculations at the moment) you have a solution with pH = 10.82 (and magnesium concentration 0.00316M).
