The Student Room Group
Reply 1
PrincE MarkuS
:biggrin: Hey guys...would you go out with someone who is somewhat "devoted to his/her spiritual beliefs"??? :confused: Post your comments about it! ta :smile:

No, I dont think that I could. Only because I am not really at all religious and find it hard to understand how others could be completly 'devoted.' Also I do not want my children to be bought up with a religion, so I could never marry somebody with strong religious beliefs.
Reply 2
No, I don't think they'd be compatible with me - their beliefs would frustrate me too much and I'd always end up arguing with them.
Reply 3
No, because I'm an atheist and their beliefs would just irritate me... problems always arise with religious family too, and sexual relations tend to be pretty restricted.

I know I'm generalising here, but I'd much prefer a partner with the same beliefs as me. :smile:
PrincE MarkuS
:biggrin: Hey guys...would you go out with someone who is somewhat "devoted to his/her spiritual beliefs"??? :confused: Post your comments about it! ta :smile:

depends to wat level they believe. u have a lot of random thoughts like me, but i'm too scared to type em! lol
That depends entirely on whether their beliefs involve the ritualistic sacrifice of living beings. If they don't, then no, but if there is sacrifice involved, I'm right there.
Reply 6
I'd struggle. One of my mates is seeing a lady who is uber-christian - it sounds *****.
Reply 7
Nope. Religion is evil and I would never get laid!!
Reply 8
check my signature

btw, i have no g/f
it says it all
Reply 9
I am a christain, in a long term relationship, or marriage I would have to be a a christain, so they could understand me or at least someone that doesn't think being a christain is EVIL..............!!!!
I don't think it would make a difference to me.
Reply 11
what if ur g/f or b/f refuses to sleep with you ???
Reply 12
Reply 13
thats how Homer Simpson knows it. ^^
Depends on the religion. I would never go out with someone who is a fundamentalist or fanatical, but perhaps sadly, there are a couple of religions with whose members I would never date, mainly because their beliefs would contrast too much with my own. I think anyone who's so devoted to their religion that they never see anything beyond it or understand other beliefs, displays a lack of wisdom and maturity which I would find unattractive.
Reply 15
Nope. Religion is evil and I would never get laid!!

im a christian, my bf is not, and he gets laid all the time (by me, that is.) He respects my beliefs, i dont ever push anything on to him, he doesn't push his beliefs on to me and we have intellectual conversations regarding our differences of beliefs. The key is respect. i respect him, he respects me. No difficulties.
Reply 16
I'm highly secular, and find it difficult to even have a sustained conversation with the strongly religious - just as I do with those whose political beliefs differ greatly from my own. I don't think it's simply my intolerance, but the fact that they have such a different outlook on life that we have little in common.
Reply 17
depends - if they are totally into their religion - no.
if it's only like: oh, I think somehow some God might exist somewhere. Like not very religious, only a bit, then yes.

I can be friends with deeply religious people and have great converstations with the, but I just couldn't have a relationship with them.
im a christian, my bf is not, and he gets laid all the time (by me, that is.) He respects my beliefs, i dont ever push anything on to him, he doesn't push his beliefs on to me and we have intellectual conversations regarding our differences of beliefs. The key is respect. i respect him, he respects me. No difficulties.

yes but you clearly haven't discussed the fact that you believe that he is a sinner and will go to hell (but going by the fact that you have sex outside of marriage you probably think that you will too). Surely if you really believe in christianity and "love" him then it is your duty to save his a*se from mephistopheles's red hot dick. My personal feelings are that religion is completely moronic and I tend only to bee attracted to intelligent, rational people (although suggesting a female can ever be rational or intelligent is somewhat dubious)