The Student Room Group

fitness, sports

in american colleges ppl are really into fitness (jogging, weight trainining etc..)and generally stauying in shape. i was wondering what the situation was like in the uk. ive heard people take all that stuff alot less seriously over there..but i wanted to ask people with some first hand experience. so, is it true that most people in english unis dont take exercise seriously?
Reply 1
most things in the uk arent as big in as in america to be honest.

i think its up to u how seriously u take sport in uk unis, there will be clubs for serious people though.
its as serious as you want it to be
Reply 3
yea but what i mean is not only on a uni level, also on an individual level. for example in american unis u see people jogging on campus every day...i was wondering if it was like that in england
Reply 4
yea but what i mean is not only on a uni level, also on an individual level. for example in american unis u see people jogging on campus every day...i was wondering if it was like that in england

It is at my uni but then sport's quite important here as people are very ambitious. You see a lot of people jogging about and it's very easy to get into sports here as there are so many teams on lots of different levels.
Reply 5
I see loads people jogging round Loughborough Uni everyday, but then Loughborough is one of, if not the, big sporting unis.