The Student Room Group

I fart when I'm nervous...

I'm quite a shy person and I'm also very claustrophobic plus I also get nervous a lot.

The trouble is that when I get nervous I feel an incredible need to fart and during the times I am nervous I'm just constantly trying to hold the fart in. Sometimes I can't always hold it in and it's very embarrassing.

Does anyone else have this problem and what can I do about it?

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lol it's funnier because you're shy and probably go really red and then can't try and pass the blame because it's so obvious that it was you and then you'll probably fart again when all the accusing eyes are staring at you :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:
Reply 2
Butt plug?
Reply 3
When i get nervous my digestive system goes into overdrive and i really need to go to the toilet lol...
Reply 4
Hmm, nerves=stress? Could be IBS (since it get MUCH worse when your stressed). That or just your bodys way of dealing with it unfortunately
Reply 5
Loadso people get this problem. When I'm nervous my gut goes crazy.
Learn some calmnig techniques maybe? Find the trigger of your nervous tension and try to eliminate it? Really there is nothing to worry about.
Reply 6
I'm sorry that's quite funny...
Reply 8
Don't eat so many beans :smile: sorry couldnt resist.
Reply 9
Lmfao, sorry, I lol'd! :awesome:
Reply 10
hahahahhahaha this made me laugh out loud!!!!! Thats so strange! hah if it desn't smell too bad, its really not that embarassing ! X
Nø Smøking
lol it's funnier because you're shy and probably go really red and then can't try and pass the blame because it's so obvious that it was you and then you'll probably fart again when all the accusing eyes are staring at you :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:

ah this post is spot on.
Ive signed up to this page just so that I can share my insight.

I think Ive found something that works - for me at least. Ive had gas problems when nervous for about 12 years now...and its stopped me from doing most things. Uni was such a struggle...I tried everything - medicine, teas, exercise etc. didnt work.

You know what does work? Doing a poo. Honestly, every morning before you leave the house do to the toilet. Clear your bowls. You will find that when you get nervous during the day there is actually nothing in your stomach to start these farts off.

I realised actually, I dont want to fart, I want to poo, so if your feeling the gas a-coming, go to the toilet and do a poo. Trust me, it has worked wonders for me - and now Im studying my masters and I go to every class and letter without the fear.

Hope that helps....
Reply 14
doing a poo several times a day would help. Of course u won't be able to poo that much but u'll release all the gases.
try to act cool. i heard germans consider as a casual thing like a sneeze or something
Reply 15
Eat a poo
wow this has really helped my situation so much, i am forever in your debt. I did this at my wedding as i was so nervous. LOL poo cake 4 lyfe
This is a post in 2009 so i don't know if youre still struggling with the same issue or not. I really wish that your life bowel and life condition getting better after that. Do tell me if it's improving. Because I am a person that suffer the same condition as you are. In fact, I've build up quite a reputation around my uni and housing area. Kids and adults mocked me about it. I've developed fear around people, affecting my personal relationship and my stunted my communication ability. Riding a public transportation is a torture, the more they ridiculed me, the worse the smell gonna be. I definitely can't see my future. I don't I can be accepted in any working place or getting into any relationship.
Reply 18
I do the same when I am in a quiet place it happens and I just can't control my anxiety
Hi, I have the same problem. Its terrible but I'm glad I'm not alone. My future seems so bleak. Its a wonder I haven't offed myself yet. I consider it everyday. Have you found a solution?
Original post by Walkingjoke
This is a post in 2009 so i don't know if youre still struggling with the same issue or not. I really wish that your life bowel and life condition getting better after that. Do tell me if it's improving. Because I am a person that suffer the same condition as you are. In fact, I've build up quite a reputation around my uni and housing area. Kids and adults mocked me about it. I've developed fear around people, affecting my personal relationship and my stunted my communication ability. Riding a public transportation is a torture, the more they ridiculed me, the worse the smell gonna be. I definitely can't see my future. I don't I can be accepted in any working place or getting into any relationship.