The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Continuation error i think.
Church of England
Reply 4
in this context? M3 to M6 = CE = 0
i know what M3 and M6 stand for...
What does CE stand for on a mark scheme?

error carried forward. e.g. if u got part 1 wrong, and used part 1 in ur working for 2, but did it the right method and got the wrong answer, you would still get the marks:wink:
yep, Carrying Error :smile:
Reply 7
error carried forward. e.g. if u got part 1 wrong, and used part 1 in ur working for 2, but did it the right method and got the wrong answer, you would still get the marks:wink:

no sorry that is E.C.F. :s-smilie:
CONTINUATION ERROR!!! why does everyone ignore me?
Reply 9
thanks tomato soup
CONTINUATION ERROR!!! why does everyone ignore me?

Reply 11
"Occasionally a response involves incorrect chemistry and the mark scheme records CE = 0, which means a chemical error has
occurred and no credit is given for that section of the clip or for the whole clip."

Taken from here -
Original post by LVFarrant
"Occasionally a response involves incorrect chemistry and the mark scheme records CE = 0, which means a chemical error has
occurred and no credit is given for that section of the clip or for the whole clip."

Taken from here -

Nice one.
Shame about my Chemical error though. :frown:
CHEMICAL ERROR, you made a mistake that made no chemical sense therefore 0