The Student Room Group

Keble Parking

Hi, folks. Pending A2 results, I'll be joining Keble in October, and I was wondering how the parking situation is up there. From what I've heard, parking spaces are few and far between, and what spots there are cost a pretty penny.

I would, as every guide I've found advises, simply use public transport, but I'll need to go home most weekends, which will be massively inconvenient given the amount of crap I'd have to ferry back and forth. Are there any feasible options for drivers in the Keble area?

Thanks, all.
Reply 1
If you really need to go home every weekend, they might be able to help you out. Only thing is, they probably won't be that sympathetic if your reason's not 100% amazing. I think, realistically, if you want parking, you'll either end up paying through the nose or finding someone who owns a house nearby with a free driveway (hugely unlikely)
Reply 2
Hi, folks. Pending A2 results, I'll be joining Keble in October, and I was wondering how the parking situation is up there. From what I've heard, parking spaces are few and far between, and what spots there are cost a pretty penny.

I would, as every guide I've found advises, simply use public transport, but I'll need to go home most weekends, which will be massively inconvenient given the amount of crap I'd have to ferry back and forth. Are there any feasible options for drivers in the Keble area?

Thanks, all.

There really isn't any parking close by. Your best bet would probably be to park it somewhere up Iffley Road-probably a 30 minute walk away but then how safe it would be there is debatable! Or could park it further out somewhere and get a bus to it?! Not particularly useful, sorry! :rolleyes:
Reply 3
There's a multi storey at the back of the Westgate Centre near the buliding new apartments. Might do a long term parking thing?
I doubt it - it's a shopping centre car park.

Do you really need to go home most weekends? Why? Nobody I know does. Having a car at Oxford is really very impractical - on the whole, colleges simply don't cater for students' cars. As has been said, there really isn't any parking near Keble - the only places you could leave your car on a long-term basis would be far enough away from the college that it would be just as infeasible to carry large amounts of stuff to the car as it would be to carry it on public transport. If this really is a necessity, contact Keble for advice.
Little qu, totally unrelated to thread but there ya go, ther seems to be load of potential new keble ppl (depending on a2 results) how many are there?