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Reply 1
Hmm not too sure what you mean, but maybe you have got water trapped inside your ears or something?
Reply 2
ive had something similar, you can think your ears are clean but they acutally arent. get yourself to the docs and ask to have your ears syringed, sounds foul but its acutally a rather nice sensation...
Reply 3
so it isnt my 'loudish' mp3 player that i listen to everyday
im gettin this 'rumbling' / 'soft popping' noise in my ear constantly. Theres nothin inside it and its clean. Its really starting to bug me.

Hows your throat and glands?
Do you get a build up of pain in the ear which then disappears?
Is it just one ear?

I'd bet it is your eustachian tube (tube to ear from back of throat) that is causing this.

have you had a sore throat or cold anytime recently?
so it isnt my 'loudish' mp3 player that i listen to everyday

Is this problem in BOTH ears?
Is it a ringing noise? Iss it painful or just a nuisance? does it feel like painful pressure?
How exactly do you clean your ears..?
Reply 6
No one on here is qualified to answer this. If it's becoming a problem or is worrying you, go and see your GP.

Reply 7
..or wait a few weeks and ask our first TSR med stu to qualify :biggrin:
Reply 8
Hows your throat and glands?
Do you get a build up of pain in the ear which then disappears?
Is it just one ear?

I'd bet it is your eustachian tube (tube to ear from back of throat) that is causing this.

have you had a sore throat or cold anytime recently?

i know the one your talking about, thats when u have a cold and your ear pops when you swallow food or drink. This isnt it, its more of a rumbling sound like somethings bashing my ear drum. And its not constant it comes and goes but when it comes its there for a while.

No colds or anything of the sort. Right ear only.
..or wait a few weeks and ask our first TSR med stu to qualify :biggrin:

who is the first one..?
i know the one your talking about, thats when u have a cold and your ear pops when you swallow food or drink. This isnt it, its more of a rumbling sound like somethings bashing my ear drum. And its not constant it comes and goes but when it comes its there for a while.

No colds or anything of the sort. Right ear only.

Is it worse when its quiet around you, or worse when there is noise?
Do you get headaches at with it?
Is it worse when you are stressed?

Have you been on any medication in the last 3 years? Including aspirin
Reply 11
Is it worse when its quiet around you, or worse when there is noise?
Do you get headaches at with it?
Is it worse when you are stressed?

Have you been on any medication in the last 3 years? Including aspirin

Its happening now, no noise. But i dont think my surroudings are effecting it.

No headaches and no stress.....and no medication!
Reply 12
who is the first one..?

Anita will be :smile: Finals in about a week - gulp! And good luck if you're reading this!!
Reply 13
..or wait a few weeks and ask our first TSR med stu to qualify :biggrin:

Cool Fluffy, have you almost done the 4 years at med school?
Reply 14
Are you sure its not just wax? Some times my ears make a popping noise when they are full of wax. Nothing that a quick 5 minutes visit to your local practise nurse can't fix.
Its happening now, no noise. But i dont think my surroudings are effecting it.

No headaches and no stress.....and no medication!

Hmmm, see aspects of it sound like tinnitus which is fairly common, 'ringing ' of ears (but can take all sorts of forms of noise, ringing orbing, throbing etc.)

It sounds well worth going to teh doctors who could then check out your ears themself to determine there is nothing intrinsically wrong.

Can i just check HOW you clean ur ears. cotton wool bud things or the oiley fluid u squirt in and leave for a while.
Reply 16
Cool Fluffy, have you almost done the 4 years at med school?

Not me! I'm just an ickle first year!
Reply 17
Three pieces of simple advice:-

1. Don't use cotton wool buds - they will not help at all.
2. Try holding your nose with your fingers, close your mouth and then breathe out very hard.
3. Have a very steamy shower - if u have cubicle shower - or put a blanket over ur head and put it over a bowl of steamy water.

If this doesn't help - see your GP:smile:
Anita will be :smile: Finals in about a week - gulp! And good luck if you're reading this!!

You mean the most ADVANCED medical student here. Not the first.
theres another guy on here who is just about to start as a PRHO...

Good luck Anita tho. (thinks she sticks more to medicine page rather than H&R)
Reply 19
Hmmm, see aspects of it sound like tinnitus which is fairly common, 'ringing ' of ears (but can take all sorts of forms of noise, ringing orbing, throbing etc.)

It sounds well worth going to teh doctors who could then check out your ears themself to determine there is nothing intrinsically wrong.

Can i just check HOW you clean ur ears. cotton wool bud things or the oiley fluid u squirt in and leave for a while.

tinitus in 1 ear? its only been there for about 2 days, and it doesnt feel like a random ringin it feels like somethings there.

I use cotton buds [ i know i shouldnt]