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Reply 1
When they can't look you in the eye...
when they tell u something, wait a while then ask them about it. if they say something different, then you know one story is wrongular
Reply 3
when they fidigt, make quick and random eye contact, touch you, and talk about something different.
there's also something about the direction their eyes move when they're talking, but i cant remember exactly.....................

it's supposed to show whether they're remembering something or making it up
Reply 5
Yeah, its in the eyes. Ask them a question you know they will tell the truth to (and which you know the answer). Watch the direction of their eye movements, there should be a pattern of where they look to when thinking of a truthful answer. When lying in theory they will look the other way.
Reply 6
Isn't that if they glance down and to the left? I don't know whose left though... Have to be quick to spot it.
Reply 7
When they can't look you in the eye...

not necessarily.

i can look people in the eyes and lie to them.
not necessarily.

i can look people in the eyes and lie to them.

:cool: scandalous
hrm....they touch their earlobes?
Reply 10
but i fiddle with my earlobes all the time- just a habit lol- don't think i'm lying the whole time tho!
i find that if someone is telling the truth , there head will move with there comments. like if I said to my bro "did u take my cd" if he said no his head will move side to side
to show has hanst taking it. Try it , with someone , but dont tell them wat ur looking for when they are lying.
Reply 12
i think its the other way round there head does move when there lying
If someone is telling you the truth, generally they will look upwards. It is a natural reaction to recalling information. Lying would be hesistating to give information, sudden fidgiting or movement, touching of the nose, shifting in body movement.
Reply 14
its quite hard to concentrate on ones conversation if you are there just to spot lies. unless you are Derren Brown, of course.

in my case, id just relax and trust everyone until i find the person untrustworthy.
i might give them few more chances but after that, whatever word they spit out from their holes, i regard them as Homer Simpson speaking about Nuclear reaction.
if they
-touch their faces
-sweat suspiciously excessively
Reply 16
give em a em light it..their hands will be shaking (if using matches)...hope it works :biggrin:
By looking at there body language? I’ve always been interested in topics like this. So I thought I would hear what you all have to say. :p:


I just always assume that everyone is. That way, if they aren't, you get a nice surprise.
Reply 18
when people lie they normally get nerveous and fiddle with their hands or bite their lips aswell as not looking in your eyes and not keeping very still.
when people lie they normally get nerveous and fiddle with their hands or bite their lips aswell as not looking in your eyes and not keeping very still.

`You tend to say 'aww', or kind of laugh nervously before trying to change the subject.