The Student Room Group

Hair on side of my head???!

I have just pulled out some hair that is on the side of my head on both sides, upto the bottom of the sidebuns, the hair was just kind of ripping out, now the scalp is a bit sore but I was wondering if it's gunna grow back?

Does anyone else get parts on hair on the side of you head that is easy to pull out sometimes?

It sometimes happends at the back of my head at the very bottom.. admitedly it does grow back but it is easy pull out.. it even makes a ripping noise :eek:
Could be from being quite stressed out - exam time?

Maybe the hair isn't very strong, maybe the shampoo you use is damaging it, I used a rubbishy shower gel months ago and my hair became quite brittle and fell out a lot, I switched to a decent actual shampoo and it went back to normal.

Erm, possibly radiation poisoning? :smile:
Reply 2
It's going to grow back. It's not hereditary hairloss the way you describe it. It's very likely to be stress related as I have a friend who cut his hair really short and had loads of patches which, he told me, were stress-related.
I'd go to a doctor if it starts getting really noticeable. A dermatologist will have seen this sort of situation loads of times. It's not uncommon at all.
will definately grow back if you are sure YOU pulled it out and it wasnt randomly fallingput
Reply 4
will definately grow back if you are sure YOU pulled it out and it wasnt randomly fallingput

Even if it does fall out by itself, it will still grow back. Permanent hairloss on guys doesn't occur like that.
Reply 5
Yep, I did physically pull it out, hurt as well, but it wasn't firmly anchored in! :eek:

Erm, possibly radiation poisoning? :smile:

Arsenic has a similar effect,

Reply 7
hmmm..why dont you try and have your hair cut..instead of pulling it out randomly..
Trichotillomania perhaps?

Theres a great site at

Reply 9
Trichotillomania perhaps?

Theres a great site at


ooh i pull my eyebrows and eyelashes also, i must have trichotillomania :eek: