The Student Room Group

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socialist cook
I'm sorry to hear that! Especially since, Moatside has needed doing for years !


Is Moatside the crappy block behind Bailey House?
Reply 2
I hate it when stuff like that happens. Always refurbish before building new blocks, I say.
same at mary's - we have the dire mews block just behind the kitchen so the rooms always smell of food, is v isolated n so far have managed to avoid living there and we've just been told they aren't being refurbished. not getting overly wound up about it cos i get to choose my actual room next time and not just get plonked anywhere so hopefully will never end up there - is typical of how the university like to mess you about, at least if my experience is anything to go by (still glad i'm here tho). do completely agree with you about moatside - my boyf's room has green mould all up one side - it's absolutely revolting - how on earth an architect got planning permission to build that building i'll never know! it's in a b***** moat - it's bound to get b***** damp! best thing that could be done would be to pull it down and just build a new accomodation elsewhere cos you can't tell me that damp isn't affecting the foundations. i also think it's ludicrous that the university hires accountants and financial advisors that have the ability to miscalculate by the millions to such an extent that our dsu rep told us at the jcr meetin last night that the univeristy actually has no money whatsoever, nothing, pretty much bankcrupt and will remain so til top-up fees come into force. i cannot believe such an institution would ever let it get to this stage! anyways, me have exams in few days time so me thinking me should stop writing this and maybe start revising (yawn).
Is Moatside the crappy block behind Bailey House?

Reply 5
Trevs are getting a nice new refurbishment this summer. It's being paid for by our own JCR, but we really don't need it that much....there's no major problems with the rooms, just want to make them nicer.

Should've gone to Trevs then? :p: :biggrin:

I thought that was Bailey Court and Moatside was down by the hog's head??
socialist cook
I thought that was Bailey Court and Moatside was down by the hog's head??

aaaaargh! shoot me! you are quite right - moatside is behind the hog's head and not where i claimed it was, cannot believe i got it wrong - pop in to moatside most days as well - too much revision gone to head! :rolleyes:
Reply 8
Yes, that's right. If this is true then it's completely despicable on the part of the university - parts of Moatside are already unfit for habitation and the rest isn't much better.
Reply 9
Hild Bede's been ok, they did it all up/are in the process of this year, but our cleaner situation is ridiculous, there are 5 cleaners who clean the whole of hild bede and it's a bloody big college, and our bins don't get emptied, basins don't get wiped... it's getting absolutely ridiculous. i'd rather have a unpainted corridor than fear rats running about the place. (ps i think it'll improve just incase some prosps 2005 are worried)
Reply 10
Hild Bede's been ok, they did it all up/are in the process of this year, but our cleaner situation is ridiculous, there are 5 cleaners who clean the whole of hild bede and it's a bloody big college, and our bins don't get emptied, basins don't get wiped... it's getting absolutely ridiculous. i'd rather have a unpainted corridor than fear rats running about the place. (ps i think it'll improve just incase some prosps 2005 are worried)


Are you quite sure about that? Surely you'll have more but you've only seen five cleaners???

If you are right, then that's crazy! Hild Bede is HUUUUUGE!! And spread across a load of buildings. Trevs is ONE building and is pretty small - we have about 15 cleaners and our cleaning is pretty good :smile:
Reply 11
Trevs are getting a nice new refurbishment this summer. It's being paid for by our own JCR, but we really don't need it that much....there's no major problems with the rooms, just want to make them nicer.

Should've gone to Trevs then? :p: :biggrin:

Woot! We rule!
I'd still rather be on the Bailey in a crappy room than on the Hill in luxury :p:

*Stands back and waits for an outcry*
Reply 13
Moatside was an absolute hole when I visited, but I was assured the crap blocks would be refurbished by the time I got there. :mad:
Reply 14
I'd still rather be on the Bailey in a crappy room than on the Hill in luxury :p:

*Stands back and waits for an outcry*

:eek: Now that's just nasty!!! Obviously some of you are too concerned with image :p:
Reply 15
right so...i'm likely to end up in a hole next year? any chance theyll change their decision?
I'd still rather be on the Bailey in a crappy room than on the Hill in luxury :p:

*Stands back and waits for an outcry*

I'm in the Bailey in a semi decent room i think (well apart from the stench from the kitchen!)... one of my housemates (well she is going to be a housemate of mine soon) her room at Aidans may be slightly bigger than mine, but she's on C Curve and the windows are oddly skewed so that you get the least amount of sunlight in, and there are trees too, so there is hardly any light... and she has to share as well! :p:
I doubt it, it was brought up in our JCR meeting yesterday that S-Block wouldn't be refurbished. On the plus side, because the college has far too many freshers we have to put quite a lot of freshers in the castle, especially since the entire of the first floor of S-Block has been condemned (the corridors are sealed off). P,Q and R block are nice, I live in R-block, and it's the only part of Moatside with shared rooms (3 plus the 'Don's flat' which is currently being used as a students room, with two of my friends sharing. It has an ensuite bathroom, a separate bedroom for one person and a kitchenette, and is generally considered to be one of the best rooms in Castle.). S-block is currently disgraceful and I have no idea how the powers that be justified two contravertial schemes - spending a hundred grand changing the University's name and "marque" (A pointless "innovation" to make the university more popular, the 'consignia' fiasco springs to mind, that is very unpopular with the vast majority of students.) and not spending a hundred grand making S-block acceptible to live in. (I'm ignoring the fact that Hatfield just spent a cool million making their best accomodation better, 4 diamonds).
Despite all this, I would highly reccomend this university to prospective students, it's only a small proportion of freshers (across the uni) who have to live in S-block, and even if you do, you don't spend the majority of your time there. Moatside is a uniquely sociable place, and I've really enjoyed living here.
and joel, I'm assuming you have applied to Castle, right? If you're going elsewhere, I have no idea what your accomodation is like. I would say, however, that I'm glad I live in Saddler Street (on the bailey) rather than on the hill, or in outside accommodation (like Cuths).
The universities finances are kept in a small biscuit tin on the Vice-Chancellors sideboard. 80% of the expenditure is on bourbon biscuits and dental adhesive.

The universities finances are kept in a small biscuit tin on the Vice-Chancellors sideboard. 80% of the expenditure is on bourbon biscuits and dental adhesive.


The final 20% goes on double vodkas and coke in Klute. I often see Kenny in there, enjoying himself post-Hatfield formal.

(Quite serious on the last point - he seems to be at our formals at least twice a term!)