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Reply 1
it could be just a blocked pore that you can't see... or it could be a cyst or anything. see your gp about it...
Yeah I had one of those once, I think mine was frost bite but it went away on its own and I didn't see a doctor. But go see your GP if you think its serious.

Have you been out in the cold lately?
Reply 3
do u have pierced ears?
Reply 4
do u have pierced ears?

nope.....(my bf like playin with my lobes so he wont let me!!)
Reply 5
Could just be a spot, either leave it for a few days, or put some antiseptic cream on it and see what happens.
Reply 6
Could just be a spot, either leave it for a few days, or put some antiseptic cream on it and see what happens.

i rarely get spots! besided its bigger :confused:
Reply 7
oh well i just asked cos i have a similar thing on my rite earlobe and soem of my friends do too and we think it cud be something to do with the way it was pierced...

my bf likes playing with mine too. hee gets annoyed when i wear big earrings
Reply 8
oh well i just asked cos i have a similar thing on my rite earlobe and soem of my friends do too and we think it cud be something to do with the way it was pierced...

my bf likes playing with mine too. hee gets annoyed when i wear big earrings

lol. know the feeling, ive wanted to get it peirced for years tho,....ah well... i still wanna know what it is!!! im totally worried!
Reply 9
well if tis worrying u go see ur doctor but im sure its nothing
Reply 10
If you've had tonsilitus it could be something to do with your glands. Definitely go to doc's if your worried. Especially if it's irritating in any way.
Reply 11
well if tis worrying u go see ur doctor but im sure its nothing

yeh prob, it mite just be a side effect of when my glands got all swollen up when i had tonsilitis.....i hope its that!
Reply 12
If you've had tonsilitus it could be something to do with your glands. Definitely go to doc's if your worried. Especially if it's irritating in any way.

lol what! i use to get tonsillitis all the time. dont think it had nethign to do with it
Reply 13
oh well i just asked cos i have a similar thing on my rite earlobe and soem of my friends do too and we think it cud be something to do with the way it was pierced...

my bf likes playing with mine too. hee gets annoyed when i wear big earrings

Were you pierced with a gun (ie somewhere like Claire's, hairdressers rather than proper piercing studio)?
Reply 14
Were you pierced with a gun (ie somewhere like Claire's, hairdressers rather than proper piercing studio)?

nope studio all the way baby. its only on one ear and its tiny. doesnt really bother me to be honest
Reply 15
nope studio all the way baby. its only on one ear and its tiny. doesnt really bother me to be honest

That's strange then. There are things you can do to get rid of it, but they're mainly to do with stretching so it's probably best to leave it really.
Reply 16
That's strange then. There are things you can do to get rid of it, but they're mainly to do with stretching so it's probably best to leave it really.

yeh like i said it doesnt really bother me. its only small
Reply 17
what is a cyst? i searched it in google and it says it mite be that
Reply 18
a lump caused by fluid i think. dont quote me on that though.
Reply 19
mite be my glands then?
ah well if its still there tomoro ill go docs.....i dont fancy any more things wrong with me...i only went docs last week! but that was for my ears!