The Student Room Group

Aching neck

Last tues i got a really bad ache down the right side of my neck from collar bone up to ear. It was also a little swollen on that side. The ache has come and gone all week but its really achy again tonight? If it helps i had sorethroat the week b4 for a few days last week it would come for a day anf go etc. So anyone know what it could be or have i just slept a bit funny?
Reply 1
Ive had a sore neck for the past year!! Does it tend to hurt more in the morning after youve slept and then get less noticeable as the day goes on?
heres my (long) story about my problem:
I went to my GP in April, waited for 2 months for an x-ray, 4 months for a CT scan, about another month for another x-ray... then I had an appointment and the doctor suggested I go for physiotherapy for it. So I agreed and havent heard from the hospital, the physiotherapy or my GP since?!! Ive rang up at least ten times to the hospital who direct me to the physiotherapy department who then direct me to the fracture clinic - and frankly I dont have any energy left to bother.
That stupid doctor's secretary doesnt have a clue how to ring my back considering Ive left her numerous messages on her answer machine and with colleagues.
So my neck is still stiff, bearing in mind i went to the GP last April about it :mad:
I know my answers a little bit long but I need to vent my frustration lol!
I recommend you go to your GP and if you are told you need physiotherapy, I would go private.
Its doesnt get any better as the day goes on, sometimes it gets worse. Its not exatly stiff but just aches to move it in certain directions
Reply 3
oh yeah, when I had my x-ray the doctor wasnt actually sure what the problem was, something about one of my vertabrae had moved a bit or something?! Hopefully yours isnt that serious though :smile:
Reply 4
I dunno then, my advice is wait a few more days and if it is still hard to move in certain directions see your GP!
Reply 5
i wouldn't necessarily automatically go private.................most physiotherapy departments are good and quick with their appointments (I had one within 3 weeks) all likelihood your referral has been lost (annoying I know) so you should go back to your gp and asked to be re-referred. If then you have no luck try going private - your NHS physio will give you just as good treatmemt but won't charge you the earth for it......remember, we are unpaid and overworked in outpatients!

Ive had a sore neck for the past year!! Does it tend to hurt more in the morning after youve slept and then get less noticeable as the day goes on?
heres my (long) story about my problem:
I went to my GP in April, waited for 2 months for an x-ray, 4 months for a CT scan, about another month for another x-ray... then I had an appointment and the doctor suggested I go for physiotherapy for it. So I agreed and havent heard from the hospital, the physiotherapy or my GP since?!! Ive rang up at least ten times to the hospital who direct me to the physiotherapy department who then direct me to the fracture clinic - and frankly I dont have any energy left to bother.
That stupid doctor's secretary doesnt have a clue how to ring my back considering Ive left her numerous messages on her answer machine and with colleagues.
So my neck is still stiff, bearing in mind i went to the GP last April about it :mad:
I know my answers a little bit long but I need to vent my frustration lol!
I recommend you go to your GP and if you are told you need physiotherapy, I would go private.
Reply 6
oh yeah, when I had my x-ray the doctor wasnt actually sure what the problem was, something about one of my vertabrae had moved a bit or something?! Hopefully yours isnt that serious though :smile:

bad posture can cause vertebrae to protrude over others, this can then causing tightening and loosening of all the wrong muscles, hence neck pain. ON the whole, not serious....but can be corrected
Reply 7
bad posture can cause vertebrae to protrude over others, this can then causing tightening and loosening of all the wrong muscles, hence neck pain. ON the whole, not serious....but can be corrected

Yeah hopefully its not too serious, it just seems it cos ive had it so long now! Tomorrow Im gonna book an appointment with my GP and make sure that i get re-referred to my physio.
Reply 8
Last tues i got a really bad ache down the right side of my neck from collar bone up to ear. It was also a little swollen on that side. The ache has come and gone all week but its really achy again tonight? If it helps i had sorethroat the week b4 for a few days last week it would come for a day anf go etc. So anyone know what it could be or have i just slept a bit funny?

Is your pillow supportive? Lie your arm along it, and if it sags and starts to cover your arm then you really should get a new one.

Can you think of anything necky that you've done that might've hurt your neck?

It's probably best to go to the doctor anyway, just to get checked out as you don't really want any serious neck/spinal problems