The Student Room Group
Any1 Know What The General Idea About This Is? Is It Just Percentage Errors?wat Else Is There?plz Help :smile:

You have to write about the hazards of your experiment, if this is the plan you're talking about, you need to mention any dangerous chemicals. Also you should mention wearing goggles and cleaning up any spillages as soon as possible.

Percentage errors is to do with the evaluation, nothing to do with the risk assesment.
Reply 2
I don't think you need to write the percentage error, but you have to write the hazards about the chemicals, so you need to write something like wear gloves, eye protection etc.
Reply 3
ok thanks a lot :smile:
Reply 4
My chem was with OCR salters. Our risk assessment had to have every chemical in we were using (and the conc.) we then had to put the risks (corrosive, damages enviroment etc) and what we needed to do, eye protection, dont pour down sink, enough ventilation etc. We were also told to include anything in the procedures, bunsen burners (burns etc), glassware (keep in middle of table, carefull when stirring - dont put a stirring rod through the bottom of a test tube etc.)
Your percentage errors come in in your results bit if I remember right, and you have to go through all you eqiupment and work out that, for example, your pipette has an error of +/- **% and you used it to measure **amount, meaning you have an error or +/-** overall.