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In the final papers I would say quite a lot, and in the modules too. I expect the coursework (if it is an exam board with coursework) lets most people down.
Reply 3
maths GCSE is easy... thats why.
Reply 4
maths GCSE is easy... thats why.

What do you mean.."thats Why"...I was wondering if ANYBODY got 100% in both...or at least was expecting the number to be small...I wasn't implying that the numbers are huge...:s-smilie:
wouldn't be that much as even the best people can make mistakes sometimes with a momentary lapse in concentration
I have a friend who's only ever managed to get 100% in maths.
I sat my GCSE maths last year and scored 100% (UMS) on all the modules. However in the terminal paper, i was around 4 marks off so that affected my overall GCSE UMS.
Well I'm doing modular so it's slightly differnt but the two modules I have done already with 4 papers between them are 100%. I just know I haven't done that well in my last module which is worth 50% of the overall grade.
The only place i lost marks on my gcse maths was on the coursework - same for electronics.

Id guesd the % of people getting a 100% is a lot higher in maths than it is in say english. Even if people find english easy its very difficult to get 100%. But in maths as long as you know the content there i no reason why you shouldnt get a 100%
Reply 10
Wish I could get a 100% in maths...
Reply 11
What do you mean.."thats Why"...I was wondering if ANYBODY got 100% in both...or at least was expecting the number to be small...I wasn't implying that the numbers are huge...:s-smilie:

GCSE maths is easy. many people get 100% in both. I prob could with 2 days of revision before exam.
you would be supprised how many people get 100% in maths.
Reply 12
I got 100% in that Data Handling paper 'cos it was easy, but not in any other ones.
Reply 13
I get 100% most of the time
GCSE maths is easy. many people get 100% in both. I prob could with 2 days of revision before exam.
you would be supprised how many people get 100% in maths.

ahh come on no need to rub it in :frown:
I didn't revise and hoping for an A* but no way did I get 100%. Does it get scaled up though like other subjects so you could get full UMS even if you dropped a few marks? Because then how would you even know who got 100%?
Depends how many geeks are doing the paper. :yep:

(kidding, by the way)
Reply 16
I got 100% in all GCSE papers, but then again, maths just flooows to me easily
(apart from further pure 4!!):woo:
Not even the best people in my school get 100%. They know how to do every question and if you gave it to them one by one in a non-exam format, then they would get 100%. It's just really silly errors that they/we make.
Reply 18
ahh come on no need to rub it in :frown:
I didn't revise and hoping for an A* but no way did I get 100%. Does it get scaled up though like other subjects so you could get full UMS even if you dropped a few marks? Because then how would you even know who got 100%?

yep. depends on how well others do.
LOTS of people did in my year (at least 10 people, me include :biggrin: ), but very few get 100 in the coursework. Who cares as long as its A* anyway