The Student Room Group

Physio Useful Info

Thought it would be good to start a thread where you could post links/useful books titles/general information etc for those either at uni doing physio or those who are trying to apply

Universities and Entry Requirements:

- Nearly ALL universities interview physiotherapy applicants.
- Not only do applicants have to meet their grade requirements, but you will be expected to pass an enhanced Criminal Reciords Bureau (CRB) check and a health screen. Failure to complete/pass these health screens MAY result in you NOT being able to take up your place.
- Very few universities have places in clearing for Physiotherapy as the course is very competitive.
- If you don't meet your grade requirements on results day DON'T PANIC! Have the telephone numbers of your first and insurance choice uni available. Call them up and see if you've been accepted anyway. most uni's will accept a slip of 1 grade or so, but this is dependent on how well everyone else in the application cycle does. Also have a copy of the clearing list available just incase some places are avilable at other uni's.
- Still rejected? Either consider resitting/reapplying or do another degree and apply for graduate entry.
- Be warned graduate entry (MSc) is equally, if not more so, competitive as BSc entry.
- If you want to work in Sports, DO NOT write this on your personal statement, and do not make all your work experience sport based. Uni's are paid to train students to be able to cope with the demands and pressures of a modern day NHS. They want to see that you know that there is more to Physio than a magic sponge and bucket of water. You will be seriously disadvantaged if sport is all you can talk about.
- When you do get work experience, try and get as much as you can in as many areas as you can .e.g elderly, inpatient, out patient, intensive care, community, musculo-skeletal etc

Work Experience

- GET WORK EXPERIENCE - I cannot press this point enough. If you don't have work experience I wouldn't waste your time applying. It is HIGHLY likely your application will rejected with out a second thought. Universities know its hard to get work experience in this day and age, so usually one day is usually enough to suffice!
- When you do get work experience, try and get as much as you can in as many areas as you can .e.g elderly, inpatient, out patient, intensive care, community, musculo-skeletal etc
- Some hospitals operate a waiting list policy for experience students so get yourself on the list as soon as you can, and as many lists as you can.
- Some physio experience is a must but in addition you could try some other experience e.g. volunteering on a ward, nursing home, with kids etc etc. All these can be used to enhance your application and help you to give examples of situations whereby you used things like "teamwork, motivation" etc etc


Below is a list of Unis offering Physiotherapy at BSc Level and their typical offers and subject requirements. This applies to A-Level or post A-Level applicants and may not be correct if you are a mature student.................for information on mature application requirements you should check out the websites of the relevant university and/or speak to the Admissions Tutor.

All information is correct for 2008 entry as of 17th July 07.

Course Code = B160 except for Kings College London where the Course Code = B962

University of Birmingham - Points Accepted = 320 (ABB). Applicants in 2007= 907. Places for 2008 = 76 Required subjects: A Level Biology/Human Biology (Grade B). General Studies not accepted, although a good performance may be taken into account if you fail to meet your offer. GCSE Requirements = 7 GCSE's grade C or above to include English, Maths and Science.
Bournemouth University - Points Accepted = 260 (BCC). Required subjects: A-level Biology/Human Biology/Health Studies. GCSE Requirements = 5 GCSE's Grade A-C to include English, Maths and Science.
University of Bradford - Points Accepted = 300 (BBB). Required Subjects - A-Level Biology/Human Biology/PE. General Studies not accepted. Number of places = 55
University of Brighton - Points Accepted = 320 (ABB). Required subjects: Biology at Grade B. GCSE Requirements = 8 GCSEs grade B in one sitting.
Bristol UWE - Points Accepted = 280-340 (BBC-AAB). Required subjects: A-Level Biology/Human Biology. GCSE Requirements = 5 GCSE's grade A-C to include English, Maths and Science.
Brunel - Points Accepted - 300 (BBB). Required subjects: A-Level Human Biology/Biology(grade B). Genenal Studies and Critical Thinking not accepted. GCSE requirements = 6 GCSE's grade A-C to include English, Maths and Science
Cardiff - Points Accepted - Typical Offer = AAB. Or BBB with a C at AS level Required subjects: A-Level Biological Science (Grade B). General Studies not accepted.
University of Central Lancashire - Typical Offer = BBB. Required subjects: 1 A-Level science. GCSE requirements - Grade C Science
Coventry - Typical Offer = BBB. GCSE Requirments = 7 GCSEs Grade A-C to inlucde English, Maths and Science.Number of places = 162
University of Cumbria - Typical Offer = BBB (300 points)
University of East Anglia - Typical offer = 300 (BBB). Required subjects: Human Biology preferred. General Studies not accepted.
University of East London - Typical Offer = 280 (BBC). Grade B in Biology or Physics or Chemistry or Psychology or Sociology. Required subject General Studies not accepted
Glasgow Caledonian University - Typical offer = 300 (BBB). Note: this course is 4 years NOT 3! Required subjects: Maths or any science subject. Biology or Physics recommended. Number of places = 78.
University of Hertfordshire - Typical offer = 300 (BBB). Required subjects: Two life sciences. GCSE Requirements = 5 GCSE's Grade A-C to include Science, Maths and English.
University of Huddersfield - Typical Offer = BCC. Subjects required: Biological Science at grade B. General Studies not accepted. Number of places = 45
Keele - Typical Offer = ABB (Up from BBB in 2007). Subjects Required: Biology/PE. Number of Places = 80.
Kings College London - Typical offer = BBBc. Number of places = 70
Leeds Met - Typical Offer = 280 (BBC).
University of Liverpool - Typical Offer = 300. Required subjects: Biology/Human Biology (grade B). GCSE Requirements = 6 GCSE's at Grade B to include Maths, Science and English.
Manchester Met - Typical Offer = 300 (BBB). Required subjects: A-Level Biology/Human Biology/PE/Sports Science). General Studies not accepted. N.B GCSE Requirements = 6 GCSE subjects Grade A-C inc Maths, English and Science
Northumbria - Typical Offer 300. General Studies not accepted. GCSE Requirements = 6 GCSE's grade B or above to include Maths, English and Science.
Nottingham - Typical Offer = ABB (Up from BBB in 2007). Subjects Required: Biology/PE (Grade B). General Studies not accepted. GCSE requirements - minimum of 6 subjects at A or B grades (which should include Maths, English Language and either Biology or integrated/combined sciences).
Oxford Brookes - Typical Offer = BBB. Subjects Required: Biology. GCSE Requirements = 5 GSCE's Grade C and above to include Maths, English and Science.
Plymouth - Typical Offer = 300 (BBB). Subejcts Required: 1 A-Level biological science (Grade B). General Studies not accepted. GCSE Requirements = 5 A-C Grades to include Maths, English and Science.
Queen Margaret University College, Edinburgh - Typical Offer = 320 (ABB), Required Subjects: Not stated. N.B. This course is FOUR years long NOT 3! Subjects Required: Two from Maths, Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
Robert Gordon University - Typical Offer = 300 (BBB). Required subjects: Two A-Level sciences and English. N.B. This course is FOUR years long NOT 3! General Studies is not accepted. Number of places = 42
University of Salford - Typical Offer = 300 (BBB). Required subjects: Human Biology/Biology (Grade B). GCSE Requirements = 5 GCSE's Grade B to include Maths, English and Science.
Sheffield Hallam - Typical Offer = 300 (BBB). Required subjects: Biology/Human Biology/Chemistry (Grade B). General Studies not accepted. GCSE Requirements = 5 GCSE's grade C and above to include Maths, Science and English.
Southampton - Typical Offer = 370 (ABBb). Subjects Required: Any science subject. General Studies is not accepted. NUmber of places = 63. Approximately 18 applicants per place.
St Georges University of London - Typical Offer = 300 (BBB). Required subjects: A level Biology (Grade B). General Studies not accepted.
University of Teeside - Typical offer = 300-320 (BBB). Required subjects: A-Level Biology/Human Biology (Grade B). GCSE Requirements = 5 GCSE's at grade C to include English Language, Maths and Science.
University of Ulster - Typical Offer = 300 (BBB) include one science subject from Biology, Chemistry, Maths or Physics Note: This is a FOUR year course NOT 3! ALSO, YOU NEED TO TAKE ADDITIONAL TESTS FOR THIS COURSE - SEE ULSTER WEBSITE FOR MORE INFORMATION.
York St John College - Typical Offer = 300 (BBB). Required subjects: A level Biology/Human Biology (Grade B). General Studies is not accepted. GCSE Requirements = 5 GCSE's at Grade C to include Maths, Science and English. Number of places = 30.



- Accelerated MScs are different to Postgraduate Physio MSc's. The accelerated degrees are for those who are NOT trained physios yet, but wnt to be, and hold a degree in another relevant subject (and don't want to do a BSc). Postgraduate MSc;s are for those who are ALREADY trained and wish to specialise. So be sure you're applying for the right ones!
- Acclerated MSc entry is as competitive if not more so than BSc entry so it is advised that you apply for both MSc and BSc entry if you can.
- Some MSc's start in September, others start in January/February.
- Applications are made DIRECT to the chosen university and NOT through UCAS.
- Tuition fees are usually around 3000 per year and are still covered by the NHS but ONLY if you are at a university in England. Scottish fees are NOT ocvered by the NHS and are around 6000 a year.
You are NOT entitled to a student loan for MSc's but you can apply for Means Tested NHS Bursary
- Below is a list of the uni's who offer accelerated MSc's, their typical offers and start dates.

Robert Gordon - Typical Offer: 2:1 Honours in a Science subject (should usually contain Anatomy/Physiology).
Birmingham - Typical Offer - Not stated. Start Date = January.
Brighton - Typical Offer - Good first degree in biological science/other health professional education. Start Date = March/April. At least 2 weeks work experience required. N.B. is known as MSc Rehabilitation Science NOT Physiotherapy
Edinburgh - Typical Offer - Upper second (2:1) in science/engineering degree.
Glasgow - Typical Offer - 1st class or upper second science degree which must have had substantial amounts of Antomy and Physiology. NB Is known as MSc Rehabilitation Science, NOT Physiotherapy. Places available = 22. Start Date = January.
Leeds - Typical Offer - 2:1 Honours degree in Biological/Behavioural science. Start date = February.
Kings College London - Typical Offer - High 2:1 first degree in biomedical sciences/health related subject PLUS good A-Level profile. Places available = 20.
Newcastle - Typical Offer - Miniumum 2:1 Hons in a science related subject.
Norwich (UEA) - Typical Offer - Degree in a related subject. Start date: February.
Southampton - Typical offer - 2:1 in a relevant first degree.
Teeside - Typical Offer - Minimum 2:2 in a related subject. Start date = February.
Ulster - Typical Offer - Minimum 2:1 in a related subject. Oter requirements - minimum of 14 hours of Physiotherapy work experience. N.B. Entry is currently suspended at this University until further notice, no entry in 2005. So double check that they are taking students for 2006 or further before you waste your time filling in the application form! Start date = June.

Funding and Finances

- Currently tuition fees are £1175 pounds per year and these are met by the NHS so wahey, you're 100 quid richer than most students. When top up fees come into action, fees will be £3000 but again they are covered by the NHS so you don't need to let the sky high fees put you off!

- Student Loan - apply through your LEA for this. The amoutn you are entitled to depends on the location of uni, the amount your parents earn and how wether you will be living at home or in halls. This is repayable after you start earning 15,000. See for more details!

- NHS Bursary - for this you apply directly to the NHS Students Grants Unit (they should send you a form!). Agin, it is means tested and depends on the same factors as your student loan. BUT, you do not have to pay it back. I strongly suggest you take the bursary even if you are entitled to a measly sum of money. This is because certain costs i.e. placement, uniform, certain travel etc can be claimed back once you've paid for them, but only if you are receipt of a bursary. So even if you're only entitled to 5p, then you should take it otherwise you'll be poorer in the long run! See for more details!

General Websites: -chartered society of physiotherapist - all knowing!! - weekly publication which ha lots of letters and articles - very helpful for interviews! - forum and website hosted by QMUC - website for physiotherapists in sport (association of chartered physiotherapists in sports medicine)

Jobs: - good for physiotherapist, physiotherapy assistant and technical instructor jobs

Journal Links: - enabes you to search through loads of journals - British Medical Journal - Internationla Journal of Therapy and Rehab

Vertebral Manipulations - Maitland. ISBN:0750624477 Approximately 40 quid. All about manipulation and mobilisation of the spine - definitiely worth buying despite price
Peripheral Manipulations - Maitland ISBN:075061031X. Approximately 40 quid. All about manipulation and mobilisation of the peripheral limbs
Tidy's Physiotherapy, ISBN: 0750632119 by Stuart Porter
Excellent Student book, covers all the areas of physio without lots of uneccessary detail, good overall physio book
The Physiotherapist's Pocket Guide: Essential Facts at Your Fingertips , ISBN: 044307318X by Jonathan Kenyon, Karen Kenyon-
pocket sized bible for physio students, perfect for reference during clinical placements!
Principles of Neuromusculoskeletal Treatment and Management: A Guide for Therapists by Nicola J. Petty, ISBN: 0443070628-
Excellent introduction to neuromuscular assessment
Clinically Orientated Anatomy - Moore and Dalley ISBN: 0683061410 - Personally I think this is one of the best anatomy books around. Great quality informatin and excellent diagrams, tables and pictures. Costs around 35 punds I think but its defintiely worth it £££!
Anatomy, Palpation and Surface Markings, Derek Field ISBN:0750646187, I think this is around 25 quid.........seen some copies going on ebay though
Muscles: Testing and Functon with Posture and Pain, Kendall et al, ISBN: 0781747805. About 35 quid................excellent..........good descriptions

Scroll to see replies

Reply 1
Ooh good idea Jackie!

Here's another- I think it's going to be very useful: :biggrin:

It's a forum/website hosted by QMUC (do you like how I'm using thier resources already?!) where anyone can post info, discussions, questions on treatments, info from journals etc....

I think it's free to register too!
Reply 2
Ooh good idea Jackie!

Here's another- I think it's going to be very useful: :biggrin:

It's a forum/website hosted by QMUC (do you like how I'm using thier resources already?!) where anyone can post info, discussions, questions on treatments, info from journals etc....

I think it's free to register too!

excellent - do you have to be one of their students?
Reply 3
excellent - do you have to be one of their students? - enables you to seach for journals, abstracts etc
Reply 4
excellent - do you have to be one of their students?

No, anyone can use it
Reply 5
No, anyone can use it

excllent :smile:
Reply 6
excllent :smile: - good for physiotherapist, physiotherapy assistant and technical instructor jobs
Reply 7
JackieS - good for physiotherapist, physiotherapy assistant and technical instructor jobs

Blimey, were do you get all this stuff?! lol!

Do you know if you can access the CSP site when we register as students in sept? I suppose there will be lots of good resources there too!
Reply 8
Blimey, were do you get all this stuff?! lol!

Do you know if you can access the CSP site when we register as students in sept? I suppose there will be lots of good resources there too!

Fountain of knowledge me lol - Nah, googled it lol!

To my knowledge we will have access to the passworded sections of the csp website/ My boss has access and sometimes I log in and have a look - some good journal links and detailed articles so will defintiel be a good resource
Reply 9
Fountain of knowledge me lol - Nah, googled it lol!

To my knowledge we will have access to the passworded sections of the csp website/ My boss has access and sometimes I log in and have a look - some good journal links and detailed articles so will defintiel be a good resource

Fab! :biggrin:
Reply 10
Fab! :biggrin: - website for physiotherapists in sport (association of chartered physiotherapists in sports medicine)
Reply 11
JackieS - website for physiotherapists ad sport

I forgot about that one, it got me through my first degree!!
Reply 12

I forgot about that one, it got me through my first degree!!

journal websites are great lol!
Reply 13
journal websites are great lol!

And another, the International Journal of Therapy and Rehab- :smile:
Reply 14
And another, the International Journal of Therapy and Rehab- :smile:

perhaps we could add books to this thread..........

title, author, ISBN, rough price - brief description

Vertebral Manipulations - Maitland. ISBN:0750624477 Approximately 40 quid. All about manipulation and mobilisation of the spine - definitiely worth buying despite price
Peripheral Manipulations - Maitland ISBN:075061031X. Approximately 40 quid. All about manipulation and mobilisation of the peripheral limbs

Oh yeah, I've updated te first message to include everything mentioned so that ou don't have to keep scrolling down to get a link - so continue to post your ideas and I'll update the post with it all
Reply 15
Another great book:

Tidy's Physiotherapy, ISBN: 0750632119 by Stuart Porter
Excellent Student book, covers all the areas of physio without lots of uneccessary detail, good overall physio book

The Physiotherapist's Pocket Guide: Essential Facts at Your Fingertips , ISBN: 044307318X by Jonathan Kenyon, Karen Kenyon-
pocket sized bible for physio students, perfect for reference during clinical placements!

Principles of Neuromusculoskeletal Treatment and Management: A Guide for Therapists by Nicola J. Petty, ISBN: 0443070628-
Excellent introduction to neuromuscular assessment
Reply 16
real shame the damm things are so expensive cos there are so many you could buy!
Reply 17
Clinically Orientated Anatomy - Moore and Dalley Personally I think this is one of the best anatomy books around. Great quality informatin and excellent diagrams, tables and pictures. Costs around 35 punds I think but its defintiely worth it £££!
Reply 18
Clinically Orientated Anatomy - Moore and Dalley Personally I think this is one of the best anatomy books around. Great quality informatin and excellent diagrams, tables and pictures. Costs around 35 punds I think but its defintiely worth it £££!

If you wait until next month you can get the new version of it with CD ROM's and lots of extras....! :biggrin:
Reply 19
If you wait until next month you can get the new version of it with CD ROM's and lots of extras....! :biggrin:

CD looks good - test questions and asnwers. I'd be careful with books that comes with CD's though. I bought a copy of an anatomy book by tortora and grabowski when I was in my first year..........took the cd out, put it in my computer and it didn't work. When I tried to take it back they wouldn't let me do so because on thecover of the CD thing is says that th ebook can't be returned the minute you open the included cd!!!!! Happened to a whole bunch of us and they wouldn't do anything!