The Student Room Group

first crush in ages

ok, i have my first crush in ages..and its on a teacher! well, hes technically not a teacher coz he is training to be one...and i am leaving ischool n 2 weeks (wooo!)...but, i cant make a move on him coz...well, because its awkward and i feel like just a stupid school girl! i have been out with a number of guys recently, but this is the first time in over a year that iv had a proper crush and i cant have him and that stresses me out!
we have had quite a bit of eye contact but never spoke (god i sound pathetic!)....and i know that, if we were in a "club/bar" environmant, id have a chance, or atleast id try and make a move...but its school!.....ok, im rambling now so il shhh and see what you think!

oh, by the way, my ex boyfriend is also a teacher now (he wasnt at the time, and its in a different school, in a different part of the country..but its still odd!)
It may well just be a reaction to you leaving school (either worrying about blokees at uni or missing having an authority figure :eek: )

Reply 2
hahaha, not worried bout blokes at uni....they r probably nicer than half the guys i know anyway!
yeah, he might knock me back, but atleast then il know..i hate not knowing whether he likes me or not! i am sensible not to do something, especially as the teacher he is shadowing is the teacher i respect most in the world!
teachers can be lovely people to fall for - they're usually well educated, mature, wise, and good role models (though Im sure we all know some who arent) especially when they start their career and are still optimistic and eager to make a difference. This can make them very attractive people. I know its one of the careers I'd be VERY happy for a potential partner of mine to have. While you are still at school though, making moves on a teacher could be a little tricky. I do suggest waiting til you leave, as its a very sensitive subject, and you dont want him to start his career amidst worry and rumour do you?