The Student Room Group

I Can't Eat, Sleep, Think or do anything, really

This is how I've become over the last few days. I'm just walking around in a mess, looking a mess. I've eaten very little over the last 72 hours, I lie awake at night working myself into more of a depressing mindset. I don't know what to do with myself. I've been physically sick today, I keep filling up with tears, I feel as though I could break down at any moment. I'm just a mess.

Should I see a counsellor or something? I'm bin serious, I just dont know what to do with myself :frown:

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This is how I've become over the last few days. I'm just walking around in a mess, looking a mess. I've eaten very little over the last 72 hours, I lie awake at night working myself into more of a depressing mindset. I don't know what to do with myself. I've been physically sick today, I keep filling up with tears, I feel as though I could break down at any moment. I'm just a mess.

Should I see a counsellor or something? I'm bin serious, I just dont know what to do with myself :frown:

Definately seek proffessional help. Go to your GP. Is there any particular reason why you would feel like this? Or has this depression come on out of no-where. Linked to exam stress? x Hope you're ok, *hugs* lil_crazyflakes
Reply 2
i've been thru the same thing........i get phases like that. it is good to c a counsellor, i've been very close to it. but i chose to talk to other people or avoid ppl and face it myself. at the end of the day, its all down to u, how u handle it. but u should definitely get it all off ur chest. stay strong, i'm sure things will pick up soon. if u want to chat then u can PM me, i'm willing to listen! gd luck :smile:
This is how I've become over the last few days. I'm just walking around in a mess, looking a mess. I've eaten very little over the last 72 hours, I lie awake at night working myself into more of a depressing mindset. I don't know what to do with myself. I've been physically sick today, I keep filling up with tears, I feel as though I could break down at any moment. I'm just a mess.

Should I see a counsellor or something? I'm bin serious, I just dont know what to do with myself :frown:

do something you enjoy.

When I feel like this I take the week off from studying, and the gym if I feel like it. I eat a nice big kebab, drink lots of lager and go out as much as possible, and cavourt randomly.

Obviously you might enjoy going to the cinema etc... just take it easy.

Also write down all the things that annoy you on a piece of paper, I got to 56 once, ranging from stage coach charging £1.05 to go into Fallowfield, to my the swimming pool closing early on a Saturday.

Just let out whatever is annoying you, or upsetting you to the nearest available ear, or failing that talk to some random person on the net :p:
Reply 4
-is this over what I think it's over? or can you pinpoint what's caused all of this?

I think you really need to start to calm down as a first port of call. Maybe you're run down - it's a typical teenagers-runny-downy-time right now.

If you think it's bad enough to see a councellor, then do so, but I have little bouts of what you're describing, and I snap out of it after a while!

Tis over what u think.

I try to calm down, I'm really trying but then I just remember what happened. When I sit down to work I find myself 20 minutes later staring out of the window. I keep crying without knowing it. It's just fckin s*it. I've never felt like this before, it's such a weird feeling of violation, I've felt physically sick for a few days over it. I can't forgive my friend, it's causing a rift at school and people think i'm trouble causing and i just want it all to bloody end and yeah. It's all because I feel partly responsible, I feel rly guilty.
Maybe find ways of channeling those feeling so you don't feel so physically ill and tearful. Sport? Try and resist the urge to stay in and bury yourself, nomatter how much you feel like it. If all else fails get chocolate ice cream *ben and jerries mmmmmmmm*
Reply 6
Have a chat with someone you really trust and find easy to talk to. Ususally sorts it out for me! That and a hug and a cup of tea! :biggrin:
Tis over what u think.

I try to calm down, I'm really trying but then I just remember what happened. When I sit down to work I find myself 20 minutes later staring out of the window. I keep crying without knowing it. It's just fckin s*it. I've never felt like this before, it's such a weird feeling of violation, I've felt physically sick for a few days over it. I can't forgive my friend, it's causing a rift at school and people think i'm trouble causing and i just want it all to bloody end and yeah. It's all because I feel partly responsible, I feel rly guilty.

OK, what happened? pm me if you don't want to tell me on here. Or obviously you don't have to tell me at all. luv lil_crazyflakes x
Reply 8
remember that I said to you when this thing happened, that I'd been through the same thing? Well, I felt just like you afterwards. Worse even, I'd care to venture - in all seriousness, it was slightly harsher [what happened to me]. Outside I had to appear nonchalant, but on the inside? pah, there was barely anything left.

It *does* pass. I promise.

Yeah, I remember u said about that now.

I guess it will pass, I'm just so emotional at the moment. I feel so weirded out, can't trust anyone. blah whatever its my mess

thankyou for the advice though, how long did it take to pass?
Yeah, I remember u said about that now.

I guess it will pass, I'm just so emotional at the moment. I feel so weirded out, can't trust anyone. blah whatever its my mess

thankyou for the advice though, how long did it take to pass?

It's not your mess though, damn people. It will definately pass when you go, and don't have them there anymore reminding you x
Reply 10
I'm sympathetic towards you, but to be honest you're being a bit cryptic. How can you expect people to help, if we don't know what the problem is in the first place? You haven't actually mentioned what it is, and if you don't want people to know, then why post a thread on it? I'm not having a go, I just feel inadequate at not being able to give any advice, as I don't know your predicament. :smile:

You talk of "violation" and "physical sickness" - to me, that sends sexual assualt alarm bells ringing. I've no idea if that's completely off the mark, or whether it's nothing as serious as that or what. But if it is along those lines feel free to PM me, for reasons which I don't care to discuss here, and I could probably help you out.

If it's not that serious, then believe me it will pass -as patronising as it sounds! Everyone has shitty times in their life - I was seriously depressed for like a whole year, and had a crap attendance record at school because I just never went in, but instead moped about the house. That literally lasted a year. You get over it. Trust meh. :wink:

Think positive. Think about how you're so young and you have your whole life ahead of you - that cheers me up! Good luck.
Reply 11
I've tried writing down things that irritate me before - and to tell the honest truth, seeing my self pity in written form just irritated me more.
Reply 12
i dont know what you're describing but hopefully this will help. when i split up with a 2-year bf, i was gutted. i didnt wanna do anything. my dad forced me to go to the gym and work out, and even though i was hurting so much inside, i forced myself to exercise every day, and it made me feel so much better. exercise releases natural happy hormones, so not only are you getting fitter and healthier, but happier as well. (and do some weights so you can punch anyone who is mean to you :wink:)
Reply 13
Update: Feeling quite a bit better today, so all is looking like it will be ok. Wow its been a s*it week, I need some serious retail therapy at the weekend!
Reply 14
hope your ok, it propbably would help talking to someone about what has made you feel like this
Kill the person that hurt you. That will make you feel better. Hope you're ok now :smile: IF you're not, dont worry, It might be just some phase you're going through. Ignore the problems, and do something else, like another activity to get your mind of it, and eat chocolate.
Reply 16
i doubt understand how your friend seeing your pots on here has got yuo so depressed? :confused: unless i missed sumit important or i have missed the point completely :confused:
lil penguin kid
i doubt understand how your friend seeing your pots on here has got yuo so depressed? :confused: unless i missed sumit important or i have missed the point completely :confused:

you always do :rolleyes:

and thread starter....I love you and if you ever need to talk Im here babe! We're all supporting you hun! You gotta be strong and overcome those obstacles...if there wouldnt be obstacles in life, we would ever evolve. Obstacelsa re those firghtful things you see when you take your eyes of your goal. Life is full of ups and downs....forget the downs and live for the ups...obstacles make you stronger. Its in the worst times we see the best of people so stand up straight, take a cold shower and confront life and its difficulties without never taking a step backward. Move forward no matter how much it hurts...dont give up babe...:smile:
This is how I've become over the last few days. I'm just walking around in a mess, looking a mess. I've eaten very little over the last 72 hours, I lie awake at night working myself into more of a depressing mindset. I don't know what to do with myself. I've been physically sick today, I keep filling up with tears, I feel as though I could break down at any moment. I'm just a mess.

Should I see a counsellor or something? I'm bin serious, I just dont know what to do with myself :frown:

hey red. if what happened to you happened to me, honestly i wouldnt be able to face my frind again.i'd change schools, and basically cut him out my life. how can you go back to being frinds after what he did to u, and what he knows?in some ways TSR is probably the most private sides of people, stuff that u wouldnt talk to a normal everyday person about.being online gives u a sense of anonymity and talking to faceless strangers you can say anything. for example spangly peach's smelly butt thread. but if any of my frinds did that to me, they'd know i was a virgin and a bit racist they'd know i'd only been in one proper relationship.and i'd be embarrassed

mate there's no way u can go on being frinds.and worst still, if he gets mad that u are still upset, he might tell everyone stuff. to me the only way is to leave him behind. im guessing u r doing exams- Alevel or GCSE so u prob wont see him again after that. just cut him out completely.delete his number and block him out. mate there's not long to go.n if u r not in an exam year, perhaps changing schools?

i don think u need a concellor. i think u hav the normal reaction to this. i'd be the same way. u got to dea with the root of the prob

im being 100% honest-i really dont think u can just forget something like this. for 2 months he betrayed you, he is a worthless b*stard. online stalking is the same as real stalking.he deserves a terrible hell

all the best. pm me if u want to talk xx
Yeah, I remember u said about that now.

I guess it will pass, I'm just so emotional at the moment. I feel so weirded out, can't trust anyone. blah whatever its my mess

thankyou for the advice though, how long did it take to pass?

baby...if you need to talk add me on MSN :smile: my addy is on my profile :smile:
cheer up!!!:love: